

But will we still get a Permanent Moon Colony by 2018?

Horses and viewers agree: this boring show was not worth watching.

Better get Rick Santorum on this one!

In the final episode of Luck, men will talk … horses will run …. Nick Nolte will mumble … and viewers will continue to look the other way.

I love it when Genji talks about Black people. It really shows us his race-conscious credentials. You're a hip guy, Genji, and I'm sure you' cool with Black people everywhere.

Will Ferrell speaks Spanish in this? HILARIOUS. I can't wait for his followup movie for African Americans, "Yo Daddy Crib."

Oh I get it, "Casa de me Padre" is funny because Will Ferrell speaks Spanish in it. Hilarious. I'm waiting for his followup for the African American community, "Yo Daddy Crib."

I can't believe (White) Person of (White) Interest got renewed. Yawn.

What, no posts about Sarah Jessica Parker?

Yes, because Achabe's prose reminds me most of Will Farrell.

Oh, I get it, it's funny because Will Ferrell speaks Spanish. Hilarious. I can't wait for Will Ferrell's remake just for the African American community, "Yo Daddy Crib"

Six episodes in, and I still don't care about a single character. And Christina Ricci wasn't included in the price of my ticket.  sucks.

I thought Kurt Cobain never took himself seriously. Oh wait…

No. Newt promised a Permanent Moon Colony, dammnit.

Screw Terra Nova. I demand a Permanent Moon Colony by 2018.

Is Christina Ricci included in the price of my ticket?

Hey Lobsters, how are you able to post messages while listening to Rush Limbaugh all day? I didn't know you could multitask.

So have the cheetos stains become a permanent part of your skin, or did you move out of your mom's basement already?

Well if Judy Greer is in it, I'll tune in no matter what. I just hated watching her in Adaptation, her not being totally amazingly hot and all…