
Whatcha talkin' 'bout, Willis?


Read what I wrote and you'll see that I said nothing about "hate speech." Seriously, actually read what I wrote… nobody's stopping you.

I look forward to political historian Kirk Cameron's new documentary film, Monumentally Naive and Ignorant.

I don't know … sounds like teen spirit ….

I don't know about this show. It sounds about as interesting as a shotgun shell through Kurt Cobain's upper palate.

Hey, as long as Jack Bauer is out there bringing torture to Teh Terrorists and keeping me safe, who cares?


Great pilot episode. I'm sold. The writing is strong enough, with a little subtlety that surprised me for network TV standards. Grade: A-

Forget this movie. I can't wait for "Newtlandia 2018: Permanent Moon Colony"

Tina Fey in drag?

Um, so who's the guy in the picture? Yikes.

I'm surprised Gilbert Gottfried wasn't asked to narrate the documentary.

They should cast Michael Richards in this show and reach out to the African American demographic.

Lucy Liu is awesome. But this show sounds about as exciting as a petri dish full of zygotes and santorum.

Dear Kurt,

No, you gotta see James Spader in Supernova. The guy was ripped.

Four episodes in and I still don't care about a single character. Holy crap this is turning out to be consistently awful television.

Yikes. I can't believe this poor young actress will have to dip her face into a shark-infested pool of nitric acid in order to transform into Carrie Bradshaw.

Sarah Jessica Parker could combine her two roles from Sex & the City and Lord of the Rings: "Gollum Diaries."