
Ohhhhhhhh, meeesa loves da Prequels! More Prequels, dat's what meeesa want!

Hey Genji, do you offer any free lectures on fictional narrative, interpretation, and how to watch tee-vee?

Shouldn't I wait until I'm well in to my 40s and gain a lot of weight before I hear your records?

Maybe this could be part of a new series: "Failed Bands That Quit Playing 40 Years Ago: Where Are They Now?"

A second season of Pan Am? What a nightmare.

Ricci was in Bucky Larson? Well, as long as she was multilingual and refused to read lady magazines, then it must have been an empowering gender breakthrough, like Pan Am.

"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times." No, Christina Ricci, it was one of the worst television series of the year and the worst decision of your career.

Do I have to deny that HIV leads to AIDS before I read this commentary by Dave Grohl? I just wanna make sure I'm in on the downlow with the cool kids these days..

Awesome. Will Smith played my favorite Suicide Bomber of all time in I Am Legend. I also admire comically crappy CGI, so I naturally look forward to a sequel.


So Dave Mustaine wants to see santorum in the White House. I'm sure it can be arranged for Dave to see some santorum, but I'm not confident about the White House part.


Inquiring minds want to know.

Wait, so did Phel have a schlong or not? The suspense is killing me.

So Robert Zimmerman still clings to his fake name. That's fine, but I wish he'd have the courage to drop his fake singing voice. Just once, I'd like to hear him sing using his real voice.

At least Sinead O'Connor's critique of the Catholic Church was specific and direct. Nicki Minaj's performance didn't have much to say other than "hey-look-at-how-subversive-and-daring-I-am-yes-wow-look-at-me."

I still say Denzel would do a great John Coltrane. And Crispin Glover as Bill Evans.

douchebag award goes to: Genji

Gillian Anderson, FBI Agent Scully
Shelley Conn, Terra Nova's Dr. Liz Shannon
Sarah Jessica Parker, Gollum/Smeagol

Ah, it's the great historian and political philosopher Kirk Cameron. I can't wait.