
You're real exited by guys who shave? Nothin's wrong with a little manscaping.

It's true. But wouldn't this be even more depressing for Kenny and his failed musician friends? Which would Kenny rather do:

Lobsters 1, your posts here are dreary.

If you're playing "classic rock" cover tunes in a sleazy bar, that's pretty much a sign of failure. It's only one step up from the dreaded Wedding Singer gig.

Yep. Here's the same absurd formula, but for Christianity instead of Islam: "Timothy McVeigh + Terry Nichols = all Christians."
Oh well. At least the bigots have their Red Solo Cup to keep them company.

Hey, Florida Family Association: ever heard of Timothy McVeigh or Terry Nichols? guess you got some 'splainin to do…

Ah, got it. And along with "VD," I suppose the girls in Kenny's bar say "Rubber" instead of Condom?

Wow, you really do like Leo and Chewie on top.

When did they call it just VD? If it was a 70s thing, then it would fit well with "American Girl." I'm sure those drunk American Girls in that bar beneath the overpass are some real winners. I can imagine Kenny playing his bass in front of slobbering rolls of stomach fat erupting out of tight jeans that should have

Kenny, warehouse manager/failed musician, is right to hate "American Girl." It's a reminder that he can only make people happy by playing someone else's song in crappy STD-infested bars.

White People Problems.

This prose is like over-the-counter codeine: sleepy sleepy, drool drool.

Actually, AVClub really knocked one out of the park with Jenn Wasner and Wye Oak a few months back. What would it sound like if Joni Mitchell grew up listening to My Bloody Valentine? Wye Oak.

Yeah, P.O.S. is doing interesting work. I feel bad he has to put up with Dessa and her "singing."

No, not so good. And what's even more depressing is the fact that Dessa and the Doomtree "collective" really believe they're awesome.

The story behind Star Wars episodes I, II, and III: Meesa George Lucas and I playz wit da computors to make biig funny moovie for yousa.

I'm looking for information about AT&T's LG NiTRO HD smartphone. I sure wish AVClub would occupy its website with some advertisements or something. I demand answers to the burning question: What makes LG's true HD ips display so amazing? I must know!

Hey, Diablo Cody is nowhere near as dreadful as Dessa's "Chaconne" performance on AVClub's One Track Mind series. At least Diablo has talent.

Genji's favorite cat porn website:

Genji, you sure seem to know a lot about Boy Wonders.