
So any plans to digitally remove Sarah Jessica Parker from Sex & The City?

And don't forget the dreamcatcher, the howling coyote, and worst of all: the kokopelli.

Baump! Baump! Baump!
Baump! Baump! Baump!
Baump Baump Baaaaauuuuump.

So "as an artist" his "words get the best of" him and his "words came out wrong." Ho hum. I'd pay greater attention to Soulja Boy but I'm too busy having cinematic orgasms over the film career of Lars "I Understand Hitler" von Trier.

Gus just happens to have a nice house, and I don't think it has anything to do with his evidently contested sexuality.

I see your point, but it depresses me.

OK, I'll be the one to ask the burning question:

Cameron's late-night library pal probably quit his job after she insulted him. The following night a new employee appeared when Cameron came knocking.

Gus should offer Jesse helpful hints on home improvement renovation.  Based on what we saw of Gus' posh pad during Walt's dinner visit, Gus keeps up with the latest trends in interior decoration and design.

Jesse needs new curtains. Those ivory-cream color drapes look horrendous next to the fresh coat of vivid white Jesse painted on the walls. I better see some improvement before the season is through, or I'm gonna go all "Release The Kraken," Walter style.

Gus is Dominican.

Why the hate for Larry the Cable Guy? The guy gets work, pays the bills, and provides for his family… unlike Kurt Cobain.

I like HawthoRNe because the character Hawthorne is a Registered Nurse and people with medical degrees and certifications have initials after their name such as RN which stands for Registered Nurse so Hawthorne's name would normally appear as "Hawthorne, RN" but the name Hawthorne has both the letter R and the letter

Hey, I didn't know Gus was Dominican!

zeppofascist: now that you mention it, yes, HBO's The Wire does have a number of well-written complex main characters who are black, so my comparison to AMC's Breaking Bad doesn't hold up (though I'd still argue that The Wire is "poverty porn" for liberals).

Lack of 'Hispanic' characters on other networks with shows like Breaking Bad.

Whatever happened to Patton Oswalt's "Uncle Touchy's Puzzle Basement"??

Holy hell this sucks. How long till George Lucas replaces the orchestral music score with Joan Osborn's "What If God Was One of Us" sung by a choir of Wookies?

Judy Greer: Total Hotty

I think Jesse's choice of white paint will help create a serene environment in his living space. A cool, contemporary look will foster feelings of newness and tranquility.