
I was hoping my "Gus veggie tray origin story" line of inquiry would really take off. Nobody ever eats the veggies, not even Gus. And just like Boba Fett in Star Wars, there must be a much larger story here. It'll be part of the Breaking Bad Expanded Universe. Or, as us ultra-hip insiders like to say, BrBaXeU. 

ZOMG! Gus' veggie trays are awesome! Instead of catering the gangsta meetings with items from his Pollos Brahs restaurant chain, Gus goes for the packaged party platters from Costco or Sam's Club. Or maybe they come from Safeway? Damn, this show is brilliant.

I also yelled "oh my god" when Jesse painted his living room wall with that vivid shade of white.

Jesse's Awesome Video Game Light Show!

Will Jack Bauer save me from Teh Terrorists by using torture and other forms of vigilante violence?

Thankfully, I'm not anywhere near my 40s. There's nothing worse than overweight 40 year-olds who still eat Hot Pockets in their mom's basement while reminiscing about that shriveled beef stick Johnny Carson.

Why was the guitarist of REO Speedwagon hired to play Marnie/Antonia in HBO's True Blood?


The message in Spanish had to be understood by Mike and Gus. Gus speaks Spanish, though English may be his first language. Mike knows enough to understand the message, though we don't know just how fluent he is in Spanish. English and Spanish are different languages. Some of the characters on the show translate back

Skyler could have stayed, which she chose to do. But she also could have run in one of three possible directions regardless of the coin tossing. Multiple directions means multiplicity, and multiplicity means brilliant writing. Therefore, this show is brilliant.

More Andy Richter next time. And Conan O'Brien can play Red Sonja.

When will Gabourey Sibide's character Andrea get her own spinoff HBO series? 30 minutes of sass, the best lines of dialogue ever written, continuous references to herself being Black, and using the word "bitch" at least once in every conversation. I can't wait.  

I don't mind REO Speedwagon. But why was the guitarist hired to play the character of Marine/Antonia in HBO's True Blood?

Skylar driving to the Four Corners Monument in Shiprock New Mexico was symbolic. Flipping the coin twice then moving the coin with her shoe was also symbolic. This show is symbolic, and is therefore brilliant.