HBO With A Shotgun

I used to listen to this live British podcast between a dude and his wife (they did a lot of other podcasts on the network), which was just them shooting the shit and taking Skype calls from listeners, and it was kinda sad because there'd be these American callers and they all would have this sadsack "forever alone"

Maybe because he wasn't high?

I always enjoy her. In the case of Earwolf, I wonder if they knock out those podcasts on the same day.

I've never seen the actual Cake Boss. Does he sound like that?

You've got the music in you
Don't let go
You've got the music in you
One dance left
This world is gonna pull through
Don't give up
You've got a reason to live
Can't forget
We only get what we give
Don't let go
I feel the music in you

Dumb anecdote time.

I know, I was listening to Slacker's comedy channel on my phone and Pollak is on, and he has the most awkward segueway into the Walken part of the act, and as soon as he mentions Walken, the crowd goes nuts.

Hayes and Telfer must have been like WTF?… probably not Telfer, but it's a callback that was only on 3 or 4 episodes prior.

I listened to an older Professor Blastoff and I almost prefer Paul as himself. His characters are fine, but they quickly pigeonhole themselves. Kinda like how Andy Daly seems to always add a slight layer of pedophilia to his characters.

He got frozen.

Always comes out the 1st of the month, and it's been like 3 months since the last one.

It would be funny for a movie to win both Best Picture-Oscar and Best Picture-Razzie.

Especially since Carrell has birdshit on his suit.

I liked the girl.

I liked it when that one guy from Band of Brothers showed up as that Scottish guy.

Yeah, his whole game plan was just to take Hitler was already doing, and amplify it.

Fast Five is totally not my kind of movie, but I enjoyed how insane it was. It was a real crowd-pleaser.

I did a quick skim and am wondering what the picture of Steve Carrell and Morgan Freeman is supposed to go to. Did they have a cameo in the Smurf movie?

I knew something was wrong with it when every time I went to the movies for a stretch of 3 months, it was one of the trailers. That kind of desperation turns me off.