
"this show is really not half bad"
life is short. stop watching television. you will be on your deathbed and the idea of having wasted hours of your life on something described as "not half bad" will haunt you.
maybe you will be haunted in the same way i will for having wasted so much time posting dumb comments here.

she ain't attractive and she ain't funny.

i thought the first third was great, the middle weak and the last… bleecchh.
as for "funny games", i get the feeling that the idea of that movie just offends some people.

i am jim derogatis…
and as soon as i get done with this cheesecake i will eviscerate ryan adams and his crappy album.
eviscerate, i tell you!
then i will await his angry message on my answering machine and get some more free publicity by letting all the world hear it.
the only thing i love more than free publicity

"hard candy" reminded me an awful lot of the kind of BDSM stuff that submissive men are into.

belmondo comes in at the end and punches somebody in the face and then yells "ow" in french or some bullshit like that.

so he worked on it for five years. if it's lousy, it's lousy. is kaufman really going to be all that happy with thoughful reviews that tear his movie to shreds?
it sounds like he thinks anybody who really gives the movie some serious thought HAS to like it.
based on the previews, it looks as though it may have been a

why is anybody surprised that this movie sucks? at what point does stone stop getting the benefit of the doubt? years ago the guy had enough energy in his films to overcome the clunkiness. now it's ALL clunk. i knew this would suck as soon as i heard about it. i knew stone wouldn't have the guts to really go

i guess if mr. rabin liked jeffrey tambor in "justice" it explains everything? 'cause i thought tambor pretty much exemplified everything wrong with that movie.
he wasn't funny when he was supposed to be funny and he wasn't particularly scary or even believable when he had his nervous breakdown. awful performance.

have you SEEN "…and justice for all" recently? because i have. and it is quite the steaming pile of shit.
except for:
"she's a very attractive woman, i wouldn't mind seeing her again…"
john forsythe is awesome!

other than…
his spot-on comments about mccain/palin, i didn't find this to be very interesting. levinson is another of those guys who has made a lot more bad movies than good ones. and i've never understood all the raving for "wag the dog" either. david mamet is not a funny guy.

if you're not a female, that's a boldly gay statement.

subtext anyone?
queen latifah AND alicia keys? hello?

if only…
the director had done an interview with av club.
C + fer shure.

i am in complete agreement with doofus here.
JFK came out in '91, ever since then stone has either been a near-parody of himself (nixon) or so wide of the mark that you almost feel bad for him (world trade center).
as for W making money this weekend, yes, it'll probably have a passable opening. and when word gets out

not lately.

he talks a good game…
but we all know this movie is going to suck, same as everything else stone has released in the last, oh, 15 years.

the two…
least interesting people in the world turn out to be boring interview subjects!
i never woulda guessed.
"rocknrolla" is luda's art movie. gotta love that.
well, maybe it is compared to THIS piece of shit.
seems like it's been a long time since "i (heart) huckabees" and the idea that wahlberg, however much of a

does not seem to be the total douchebag i've been told he, in fact, is.
i loved it when he used to host that music show on PBS. he always looked so jittery, nervous and uncomfortable while interviewing the guests that i thought he was going to jump up and run off camera.

UMM… yes?
great performance in "i heart huckabees". may be a useless tool otherwise, but i'll always love that performance and character.