
demme's entire rep…
is really based on a few inarguably great movies he made at the beginning of his career.
"melvin and howard"," handle with care" and "something wild". most of what he's done otherwise has definitely been in the "arguable" category.
hell, i don't even think the "silence of the lambs" has held up that

is it just me or…
does the whole film seem premised on the beginning of romero's "dawn of the dead" in the apartment complex?
the zombie genre is dead, pardon the pun. maybe the whole idea was killed (ahem) after the one-two punches of "shaun of the dead" and the remake of "dawn…"
and they sure waited long enough to

yes and no…
the editing and general hacky approach are annoying but maher is a funny guy and i liked the movie. i've had plenty of discussions with believers in my life and most of them employ the same illogical arguments on display here.

this is why…
you shouldn't have any heroes in the first place.

either someone has talent or doesn't. borchardt is utterly without talent. sure he's complicit in this debacle, he's an idiot! why celebrate this? for the same reason burton made "ed wood", the same reason people like reality tv. to feel superior. nobody defending this piece of shit has the slightest bit of

in agreement
flaws and all, i always liked this movie a lot. this is a terrific review that's hits every important point. especially the bit about david caruso, who really is a terrific actor, or at least WAS a terrific actor up to and including the first season of "nypd blue".