
Don't forget imp shaming.

Tyrion would be so proud.

Oberyn is the best new bro Tyrion could have hoped for now that Bronn is out.

I loved Tyrion's reaction. That little gasp of surprise really got me.

So we have another suspect.

Right after Sansa's direwolf.

I left at the end of Breaking Bad and came back to find the A.V. like this. Now I know what Brooks felt like when he was released in The Shawshank Redemption.

The only thing I didn't like was that it seemed Vince Gilligan was trying to give fans everything they wanted, but Breaking Bad is at its best when it sweeps the rug from under our feet and gives us something completely unexpected. 

Because this needs to be copy-pasted somewhere in this review.

The A.V. Club  
From mildly offensive to outright despicable.

That might be why he likes her.

I need a gif of Saul fixing his hair for the camera.

Just checking the voice-to-text app.

Sounds like you should

And killed on september 16, no less.

aka Badger and Skinny Pete.

Todd would play private Ryan. For obvious reasons.

He was basically a kid asking to keep a stray dog. For torturing.

"For Mr. White"

And then the scene where Tuco beats the shit out of him.