
Breaking Mad. A story about a cancer-ridden teacher in the 60s who smoked one too many Lucky Strikes and lies his way into Maddison Avenue to provide for his family.

Brock is on to Walt. He will be his undoing, mark my words.

And jumping fences.

Pizza house, bitch!

I believe we should start a prayer circle.

Chekov's Jesse's scattered brains.

Pass the talking pillow!


Waiting for the Lydia & Todd spin-off.

Re: final scene
"When I heard you weren't going in to work I…well, seems you got the work coming to you. Perks of being the boss, huh?"

So they need $98 000 for a movie about a movie which would have tanked. That makes sense.

So they need $98 000 for a movie about a movie which would have tanked. That makes sense.

Not to question the writer's abilities, but I have a feeling the mother reveal will disappoint. I just don't see how they could live up to the expectations, specially since we'll have one season to fall in love with the mother along Ted after 8 seasons of being in love with Robin.

I saw someone describe here once how south park's butters being mistreated was funny because of how excessively happy-go-lucky he is. I guess it's the same scenario.

I saw someone describe here once how south park's butters being mistreated was funny because of how excessively happy-go-lucky he is. I guess it's the same scenario.