Bockscar and the Fat Men

Just wanted to say that I'd recommend Dark Knight Rises. From your past comments, I'd say we have very, very similar comic book tastes, and I loved it. It made me cry, actually, and it's my favorite of the Nolan trilogy. There really are some excellent moments, including one that I think is the high point of the

Of course. And stupid people just plain like and vote for celebrities, and knew who he was when he started up with the birtherism because of The Celebrity Apprentice. Who the fuck knows how much he would've faded from the public eye without the show? I dunno, I just thought you were being weirdly combative with the

I don't think the people saying this come off as delusional crazies ranting about vast cosmic coincidences or anything. Yes, Trump was famous before Celebrity Apprentice. The fame was dwindling, but it was there. This stupid show got him back in the public eye in a big way, when all things Apprentice might've just

Yeah, exactly right. George wrote a fair amount of their best songs on his own. (And the lead guitar on "While My Guitar Gently Weeps" is Eric Clapton.) And here's a little bit on John's "How do You Sleep?", his "takedown" of Paul, which includes the line "The only thing you done was Yesterday."

All of their songs are credited as having been co-written, that's something they decided on when they were young. And a lot actually are, particularly early on. But that was all Paul, and more uniquely for a Beatle song, he wasn't only the sole writer, but the only one who is heard on the song at all. It's his voice

That was entirely a Paul song. He's the only Beatle that appears on it. So there's that.

May I ask what it is about Liefeld's work you enjoy? I do realize this is dubious given that your post is all about being judged for your tastes, and I'm sorry. And of course I agree with your assessment of the comic store guy, like most fans I've dealt with unpleasant shop owners and employees and I can sympathize.

…and Sean Penn (who is most definitely an asshole but is also about as polar opposite as it gets from Eastwood's perceived politics) and Tim Robbins and Angelina Jolie and Matt Damon and Leonardo DiCaprio and on and on and on.

Well, he didn't support him. He was more positive about Trump than Clinton, but more in a general "things are working out for him because people are tired of political correctness" way. He explicitly said he wasn't endorsing Trump. And his criticisms about Clinton (aside from the voice line the article mentions) were

I don't know how much George W. Bush cares about anybody. He was always wealthy, and his daddy was president, and he's pretty damn stupid, and that would seem to me to breed a kind of indifference toward most people. But his administration was responsible for more aid and assistance to Africa than any other

I don't drink soda either. And never liked most candy either, even as a kid (except chocolate stuff.) But, truly, for fuck's sake. All sweet food being merely for children? What a curiously extreme reaction.

I kinda inherited a dislike of him from my father. Not so much for his stance on Vietnam like my dad, who was a vet. I agree with Ali pretty completely with that, and think he certainly did more good than harm in his life for that alone. I just found his comments about Joe Frazier reprehensible, and it's strange to me

Stan Lee, uh, I mean, Larry Indiana doesn't know who Obnoxio the Clown and the Hellcow are?!? That's disconcerting. Obnoxio was also in this one-shot issue, Obnoxio the Clown#1, also known as Obnoxio the Clown vs. the X-Men, which is very silly, but a fun curiosity. And he's in What If #34, the CRAZY, humor issue of

Actor, Men in Black (1997). Which makes sense, I guess, although I kinda wish it was Actor, Twin Peaks (1990). And then Hank Worden got the same thing. But he's Actor, The Searchers (1956), of course.
Now Majel Barrett is Actress, General Hospital (1963), which is just nutty.

Kilner, duh, sorry about that.

All the rest are the same, but I get Brad Pitt, "Actor, Inglorious Basterds (2009)" and Kevin Kline, "Actor, No Strings Attached (2011)". Also, Kevin Kliner, "Actor, Hone Alone 3 (1997)", but that's even less relevant.

That's "couldn't care less", not could. If you could care less, that means you already care some, and you're trying to say you don't care at all. At least that's what the proper phrase is here on "the Earth", maybe it's different in the 3rd dimension—that is a notoriously fucked-up dimension, after all.

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I kinda feel dirty defending the show, but Phil actually said that he heard people around town complaining that they'd lost money betting on Barbie while getting the exposition out, not Maxine. So they got that right.

@avclub-10002631234370cc43d1ef36d9fd2f5b:disqus Reynolds had actually been seen around New Orleans with Blake Lively while Green Lantern was filming, so his straying predated the Johansson/Penn thing.