Bockscar and the Fat Men

Does anybody know what that song at the end was? The one on the record she played right when the episode ended. "Lonely"-something, maybe, I thought it was Lulu but it looks like I'm probably wrong.

That's crazy. If he just didn't know who sings the song, well, it's odd, because he's old enough to remember when the "duet" with Natalie Cole was a big deal, but it's not *that* ridiculous. But to just call it a Bing Crosby song, it's like he picked a name out of a hat. They don't sound the least bit alike.

It's "—And the Moon Be Still as Bright" from Bradbury's The Martian Chronicles. The "if" was the reason you didn't find anything. I haven't read it either and did the same thing you did because it sounds interesting.

Ditto, that entire scene is as good as sitcoms get. That beer just *looked* so insanely tantalizing.  Here's a post by Ken Levine, writer/producer on Cheers, describing how they pulled off the slide:

@Scrawler2:disqus People talk in movies, especially assholes, regardless of age, of course. But I haven't had anywhere near as many problems with old people being loud as shitheads in their teens or 20s. Not even fucking close, it's like 90-10, at least. There of course tend to be more of them, as well as people in

Well, the whole thing with the Red Dawn remake though is that it was filmed with the Chinese being the invading bad guys, and that was changed in post-production so as not to offend China and its money. So even that was a cop out, Yellow Peril-wise.

I don't know, you may be kidding. With a name like "The Contrarian", this might be part of some schtick. But what the hell, in case you're completely serious, I'll just point out that, you know, this show is an adaptation of a series of fantasy novels. A fantasy series, so there's your "dragons and magic and all sorts

Yes, I completely agree with Shelwood. Without speculating as to the motivations behind people cheering or how right or wrong those cheers were (personally, I prefer capturing over killing in a situation like this in case the suspects have any necessary information about anything), but I don't see what leaving your

I may be the only A.V. Club reader of Cuban descent, so I guess I'll chip in. It's illegal in the U.S. to go to Cuba for vacation purposes, the way many Europeans do for the beaches/history/underage prostitutes. They (people aren't just angry about Jay-Z going, it was Jay-Z and Beyonce) went to celebrate their

In the comments section, if anywhere.This isn't Noel writing about "Lost." This is David Sims.

I basically thought the same thing while watching. I kinda would've been ok with Theon getting a mace in the face and just dying already, but I was happy to see the sadistic would-be rapist get what was coming to him. And I never did warm to Jaime the way others have, I don't care how charming and darkly funny he is,

The Jungle's pretty great. John Dehner's character in The Lonely is one of my favorite in the history of the show, so it was awesome seeing him as the lead in this one. As far as it not being very memorable: one of the last shots in the episode has gotta be the most gruesome image the show ever had. (Not the very last

Tampa, just a hop, skip, and a jump away from Miami, where I'm from, so I lucked out. The first year I took the test Miami was an audition city, which obviously would've been awesome and wouldn't necessitate my going up into actual Florida, but that thing chewed me up and spat me out. Best of luck.

I'm actually auditioning this Tuesday, and I share your struggle. I asked the only friend that knows I'm auditioning for help, but seemingly all of my interesting anecdotes are filthy or otherwise unusable. And you need to list 5 of them on a form before they even interview you. I've got a couple benign ones, but

But who memorized her lines instead of reading the prompter, and opened the envelope/read Daniel Day-Lewis's name while the clips were stilll playing…presumably so she wouldn't be caught on camera with glasses on. (Probably bullshit, she wears glasses all the time, but that was still a bit odd.)

I'm almost completely positive that this isn't Miguel Ferrer doing the narration.  There's no mention of this online, and anyway, that voice doesn't have Ferrer's hoarseness and scratchiness.

Graphitti Designs put out a series of hardcovers combining the various Marvel/Epic trades. So their Moebius 1 has the Upon a Star, Arzach, and Airtight Garage  (or 1-3 of the Epic trades). 2 is The Long Morrow, The Garden of Aedena, and the Pharagonesia (4-6). Graphitti Designs 4-6, 8, and 9 reprint Blueberry

*SPOILERS* Yeah, and that scene with the dad's conversation with his adult son from the future is one of the high points of the entire series. Also, contrary to what Noel wrote, Gig Young's character kind of did alter time—he caused his younger self to break his leg, and then forever walks with a limp afterwards (he

Every country has a sex industry, and some countries are famous for their goverment's tolerance of the industry. The Netherlands is certainly one of those. And then there are countries that are famous for their sex tourism—a massive chunk of tourist's (mostly American and European) money in the Dominican Republic and

Well, for anyone thinking of clicking, it's naked Patrick Warburton flopping around. The link isn't "obviously" NSFW at all, because the post above doesn't say what it is. This is what it is. It isn't uncensored Brock Samson talking about what a Rusty Venture is, it isn't a nude woman, it isn't a nude rendering of Joe