
The Gospel According to a Complete Fucking Lunatic.

Lindsay Lohan.

I will ignore the shameful defamation hurled my way by Miller, but I must take issue with the degrading things said here about my dear friend, Chester A. Arthur.

Isn't everyone forgetting Bruce Willis and Kevin Spacey?

Don't forget that 80's classic GINGER LYNN'S SWEET GASH

I am now 2:26 closer to death because of this crap.

What about Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer? Released originally with an X rating, then re-released in '89(?) with no rating. Compared to Hostel or the Saw films, not so graphic.
To be honest, though, none of those films made me want to take a shower after watching them the way Henry did when I first saw it.

Husker Du. Fucking amazing live band.

Marty: Ginger Lynn
Doc: Bruce Campbell
Biff: Joss Whedon

Holy shit!!!!

Would you please be quiet! I'm trying to jerk off over here!

Fat Albert. Now that was a racist show.

Still no nomination for Anal Cunt???!!!!


Ginger Lynn is my Deep Purple.

I had to sit through this horseshit film with my beloved wife Lucy.

I'm gonna get drunk and sleep it off on Lance Bass.

Sorry, Neckbeard. I should have read down a little more.

Wax cylinders…that's where it's at.

As long as Keanu Reeves isn't in it, it will be worth watching.