
Did Sidney actually lie to her?  He gave her falsified evidence, and then made truthful statements about it.

Since you seem to have missed it, OUAT pluralises dwarf using the traditional "dwarfs", not the Tolkien-created "dwarves".

Not Sirens?

Fuckin' Jar-Jar.

"If someone was telling you a joke, would you really be receptive to it if you were interjecting every 30 seconds to say how you think the joke is going?"

The MOST obvious one, I think, was Adaptation.  The film is explicitly about how difficult it was to adapt the source material.

I'm waiting for Victory Through Air Power.

It's not the plot that's interesting.  In fact, it's because the plot is so obvious that the show can focus on questions like self-awareness, both of the characters and of the show itself through its writing.

You completely misunderstood Rumplestiltskin's objection to the kiss.  He did say "No one can ever love me," but that's not because he doesn't think it's possible.  It's because he mustn't allow it.  He knows full well what will break his supposed curse and rob him of his power, and he doesn't want it.  That was clear

When did "tape" become shorthand for "record"?  I'm pretty sure you're not taping shows, Todd.

To be fair, the Frankenstein doesn't have to be a Boris Karloff Frankenstein.  He could be an authentic Mary Shelley Frankenstein - in fact, he could have been built by the lady vampire as a sort of creepy love doll thing, only she didn't know she'd used the man-parts of a werewolf, thus impregnanting herself with a

I'm so disappointed Run to the Hills didn't make it.

I didn't really get the final scene where House apologised to Chase.  That seemed out of character.

If this guy's gender is relevant to his job, then firing him for it isn't illegal discrimination.

I found this episode contrived and heavy-handed.  It was the weakest thing Pan Am has yet done.

Okay, youre insane.  That line from Grumpy does sum up the episode really well, but it's terrific!  That's exactly the tone this show is going for.  It takes Disney fairytales really seriously - of course that's going to be silly - but I think OUAT handles this about as well as possible.

I don't get the complaints about the CGI.

You loved him on SNL!

I love Lost Girl.  I've been watching it since it debuted in 2010, and adore the world-building they've done.  This is a show packed with detailed lore, and it's generally revealed to the viewer in a far less ham-fisted way than, say, Once Upon A Time does it.

Why should you have to wait?  Those things have been on the McDonald's menu in Germany for 25 years.