
I saw the Scorpions live a few years ago (in Canada), and when they got to this song they played it like it was their biggest hit, expecting the drowd to sing along to long sections that we clearly didn't know.
We wanted Speedy's Coming, and Lovedrive. Polar Nights would have been nice.

Growing up in Saskatchewan, I had never heard of him. Not until I moved west and attended a school named after him.

Okay, that is IT. Marvel is not allowed to make ANYTHING ELSE until they give me something with Doctor Strange in it.

If you want Black Sabbath to be scary again, just play Born Again.

The production certainly seems to know that Sonya is autistic.  The show employs Alex Plank, founder of the autistic forum community Wrong Planet, as a technical advisor.  He recently interviewed Diane Kruger about the show, and the process of inhabiting an autistic character.  You can watch that interview here: http:/

The complexity Moffatt has brought to the show is currently its greatest asset.  As charmign as Matt Smith is, I don't see him carrying a successful television show with plots like The Aztecs, or the Myth Makers.

The effects wer bad for new Who.  But Who overall… not bad.  The Moped shots in particular reminded me of Four to Doomsday.

You can watch all the episodes at Spike.com, though, right?

The best part of Smash, I think, was the minutiae around writing and casting and stagings a musical.  Getting away from that to make it more like regular TV makes it less watchable.

Re: Simon Fraser - Canadian shows seem to do this a lot.  We drop in Canadian references simply to amuse ourselves.

It would be a shame to stop your coverage now.  While these first two episodes have been awfully weak, episode 3 is genuinely fun.

Adric was always my favourite companion.  In all of Doctor Who, he was the companion most like me (an unsufferable know-it-all who was good at math), so I loved him.

You can see him do something like that in Megashark vs. Giant Octopus (which is even worse than you think it is).

Rumple said so explicitly several episodes ago.

Rumple said so explicitly several episodes ago.

I watched this episode on a CRT television, and the effects, while not unwatchable, were still easily the worst this show has done.

I watched this episode on a CRT television, and the effects, while not unwatchable, were still easily the worst this show has done.

Upon seeing the headline, I knew, "Don't blame me, I voted for Kodos," would be among them.

Upon seeing the headline, I knew, "Don't blame me, I voted for Kodos," would be among them.

I pay $12.75 for movies, and I'm in Canada, so those are bigger dollars!