
I was excited by the prospect of seeing Brad Dourif on this show, but they really didn't give him much to do.

I have fond memories of the Bloom County special, "A Wish for Wings that Work"

THE DOCTOR: May I ask where you got these?

Uriah Heep.

Billy even managed to be self-indulgent and pointless in the otherwise excellent Rush documentary Beyond the Lighted Stage.

Once Upon a Time is filmed in Vancouver.  So, yes, there is an ocean nearby, but the weather often doesn't cooperate.  Vancouver productions routinely spend a lot of time in studio.

They didn't earn that ending at all.  The PotW's reasoning for keeping the bunker was sound.  If I had his resources, I'd keep a bunker, too.

I have no memory of these two episodes at all.  How can I have missed two whole episodes?

You're forgetting Jail Break.

The dumb thing Adam did was telling Kristina about the kiss.  That was idiotic.  It would have been a believable mistake if that baby were their first, but it's their fourth baby.  He should know by now that her brain doesn't function reasonably this soon after childbirth.  He should have kept the kiss a secret, and

I think Journey's End was necessary because it eliminated the need to have Wesley return for the series finale.  We were all very glad that Wesley didn't return for the series finale.

I liked the portrayal of Papa Doc's Haiti.  Haiti in the 60s was vey much like central Africa today.  It's not somewhere you want to find yourself without the protection of the US Marines.

I love Vision Quest because it was the first mainstream film with Dio on the soundtrack.

There is definitely no inverted explamation mark on my keyboard.  I need to use ASCII code to make one.

Sadly, they never matched the musical genius of Caress of Steel.

No one else could ever give By-Tor and the Snow Dog the weight it needs.

I'm always surprised that a radio station would play Spirit of Radio, given what a scathing indictment it is.

I have one memory of Stewart's MTV show.  He'd booked David Foley as his guest, and made a big deal about offering him beer, because he was Canadian.

He said British, not Canadian.

Let me Google that for you: