
Well, that explains why Keith Hackney punched him in the groin 20 times during UFC 4.

As Phil pointed out, the best episodes are the ones where the three presenters go off into the world and do silly things together (like build RVs).  I highly recommend the 2006 episode where they drove from Miami to New Orleans to demonstrate that buying a car was better (and cheaper) than renting a car.

I have watched every episode of Top Gear, and all of the specials (their drive to the North Pole was epic), and it is absolutely one of the greatest television programs of all time.

I'm in Canada
So I get The Daily Show, Colbert, and Conan all on the same channel all running back-to-back.

She discussed being gay when she was a guest on Top Gear in late 2010.

Oh, and Inferno (Jon Pertwee) is an episode that I think would stand alone as a feature film, so well-conceived it is.

The First Tom Baker season.
The Ark in Space, The Sontaran Experiment, Genesis of the Daleks, Revenge of the Cybermen - that's arguably the best sequence of Doctor Who serials ever made.

First Season
I just started watching the first season of Torchwood, and it is uneven. The first episode is great, but the second is awful. The third episode is good television, but then the fourth is bad again.

Elias Koteas? Quiet and Understated?
So, just regular Elias Koteas, then.

I never realised how much Glenn Danzig looks like Tom Cruise.

I have no memory at all of Man of the People. This might be the one TNG episode I have never seen.

I highly recommend the novelisations. The first Jon Pertwee season is really quite good in movel form. Inferno is hardly a story for children.

I do wish you'd introduce each recuring villain before showing episodes in which they reappear. Do we really benefit from seeing Tomb of the Cybermen before seeing The Tenth Planet?

These two episodes.
Both The Rebel Flesh and The Almost People - more the latter than the former, remind me quite a lot of classic Doctor Who. And classic Doctor Who routinely had problems with both pacing and coherence. And so do these two episodes.

They've come full circle.
The original Extreme Makeover was at least partly about weight-loss (usually through liposuction).

Dennis the Ghost?
Jane Espenson would prefer you refer to him as "The Phantom Dennis".

Eva Mendes has a grotesque lizard face. You people are crazy.

If you want to see Jarry Hardin at his most annoying…
Find a Murder, She Wrote episode called "Northern Explosion". And keep a map of North America handy, because whoever wrote that episode has clearly never looked at one.

"I just learned Joss Whedon is one of these humanist guys that give awards to each other for not believing in God."

I thought that WAS Elias Koteas.