
The captions on that Ace of Base video aren't even all correct.
Though, I'll grant that Ulf looks like a plausible skinhead.

You're aware that the History Channel is based in the United States, right?

I strongly dislike Oprah.
I find her moralistic, and paternatalistic, and even sensationalistic. She'll give people bad advice that sounds like good advice because it's already part of the public consciousness, but Oprah saying it someone adds legitimacy.

The production quality of DWTS is terrific.
That alone makes it an entertaining show. At one point this season the show even had a guest judge who went completely off-script at one point to effuse at how well-produced the show is. Tom Bergeron didn't seem to know what to do with that.

I think this film is misleading in its portrayal of the TARP funding.
This wasn't an effort to stave off disaster. This was an effort to appear to have done something to stave off disaster.

I think this film is misleading in its portrayal of the TARP funding.
This wasn't an effort to stave off disaster. This was an effort to appear to have done something to stave off disaster.

Classic Doctor Who. That should be amazing.

In fairness to Taub
Condoms suck.

I watched the clip
It wasn't bad. It was kind of funny - it was more funny that Lars didn't seem to know what to say, but it was still funny - and he didn't say anything objectionable really at all.

Lessons - Old Big Bads
Apparently it was quite a hoot to get all the big bads together again. The Mayor wasn't available, so they shoot his bit later, but Warren, Glory, Adam, Drusilla, and the Master were all on set together.

Finally James did a Dio song.

About Rory and Amy…
"*I'm a little tired of the minor beats each week where either Rory or Amy says something that makes the other feel they're not really in love with each other."

First Contact makes perfect sense
And it makes sense for the reason you explained. They didn't kill the Borg when they had the chance, so Picard feels personally responsible for their continued existence. When they go after 21st century Earth, of course he's angry. He's angry with himself for not having the

What was James thinking?
He has a terrific classic metal voice; I've seen him singing Dio songs on YouTube, and he's brilliant. So how, when given the 1970s, does he not sing a Rainbow song?

You should regret that.

These are supposedly musicians. Why should I care what they look like?

I'm surprised that you people still do so much shaft mining. Canada mines a lot of coal, but it's all open pits (much the same way we mine oil).

In addition to the gay community
the Autistic community would likely also see paralells between hw they are treated and the plot of Outcast.

There's some terrific footage of James doing Dio songs on YouTube. If James can mimic Ronnie's voice that well (and he does it well), I want him to succeed.

I'm still angy they cancelled the original
Alana De Le Garza and Linus Roache were a terrific pair - I would have watched those two for years.