
Cat didn't say Flo Rider.
She said Flo Rida, but then added an extraneous R to separate it from the next word, because the next word started with a vowel.

Thank you
"…plot back story generally needs to be filled in directly, but character sketches can be deepened through the ways the characters act and speak."

Leni Reifenstahl
That was a terrific description of The Triumph of the Will. Too often people ignore what a terrific film that is, and instead get caught up in how it glorifies Nazis (not an inaccurate description, but also fairly typical of the mood surrounding its filming).

The Myth Makers. The Aztecs. Those are good episodes.

Troi doesn't pull Worf aside
because privacy doesn't contribute to the common good.

Karen quite liked her pregnancy suit.
She had a "big belly dance" she did on location during filming. So if she looked uncomfortable, that was just good acting.

The Phantom Dennis
Jane Espenson was so proud of that name.

If they'd reversed the last two episodes
everyone would have assumed that the missing outposts were the result of the parasitic bug conspiracy, when in fact they foreshadow the arrival of a recurring villain.

Using the legal system would have robbed Run-DMC of their street cred.

Objectivists would say that makes this the best time to make this movie.

The girls are all Yaoi fans, and the spit ribbons look like semen.

But the game's story offers no such lesson.
It's entirely possible to ignore all the aliens, be a huge racist, and tell the galactic government to screw itself because humanity is going it alone.

What's with the companions having these tag-along people?
I don't mind Rory, but I was hoping Moffat wouldn't rely on the same structure Russell Davies did where there's a companion, but the companion's friends and family occasionally tag along. I hate that.

Law & Order had been improving
Like Noel, I stopped watching regularly 10 years ago, and in the interim (the Jesse Martin years) the show just wasn't good.

They should have ended with the abject despair.

If this episode had ended a few minutes earlier
with house taking the Vicodin followed by a fade to black, it wouls have been vastly superior.

Agreed. Linus Roache has been brilliant on L&O.

Oh, Gods. Skin of Evil
Just when the season was getting good, we've given the absolute worst episode from any Star Trek series. Skin of Evil is a whole new level of awful.

The TV version of FlashForward is a slap in the face of the FlashForward novel, which is terrific.

They're pulling a Dallas.