
No chance for a nod for the Lennon biopic?
I've heard the kid from Kick-Ass does a pretty great job (some NPR show, I forget which.) Seems like the kind of nostalgia-inducing pick that could resonate with Academy voters.

The IRA/Jimmy Plotline
While we did get some clarity on the various plans of the players in this plotline from tonight's episode I'm not sure they make sense. Not the plot itself, that is easy enough to follow, I'm more referring to the logic/motivation behind the various plans.

What did Arnold's suicide note say?
I was watching on a small hotel TV from kinda far away and couldn't make it out.

I think the "hey Clay, you ever tried Cold Packing?" line and the increasing horror as Tig revealed what Cold Packing was might be the sickest verbal interchange in TV history.

John Teller and Maureen's Relationship
I'm liking where that little revelation is going. If Gemma makes it over to Ireland (or even if she doesn't Jax is still going) that's going to get played out in full.

Yeah I don't think we have anywhere close to definitive proof. I have a feeling that gets addressed in the final season (whenever that may be.)

Another Deadwood cameo.
Robin Weigert shows up at the Sons lawyer's assistant/aide. Glad to see people from that cast getting work however temporary it might be.

The guy seems pretty self-aware.
This changes nothing about the quality of their music but at least Mr. J seems genuine. He also seems to understand how Miracles might come off as ridiculous and does a decent job explaining it. I say we let this bizarre little sub-culture have its fun. There are much less self-aware

Yeah I'm not convinced it was the IRA who shot up the wake. Cameron was clearly in Belfast at the time of the shooting (not that he could orchestrate the hit given his current situation.) My guess is that it could be surrogates haired by the Jimmy O'Phalen from Ireland, but even that seems a bit tidy.

Not exactly a bold prediction seeing as they're the odds on favorites going into the season. Still, you're right. However, if they can't get a deal done with Revis I'd say the Pats could slip in there or even the Dolphins (sorry, your Bills have no chance.) As much as I hate them and as suspect as their defense is

Interesting handling of LT
I'm surprised they didn't mention how they brought him in to replace Thomas Jones who, by all accounts, had a great 2009 season. That was the big question when they got rid of Jones and brought LT in. It seemed like a lateral move in terms of talent and maybe a step down in terms of future

Walking Dead TV Series vs. Scott Pilgrim Movie
I know this is a comics panel but having read the last installment of Scott Pilgrim and the most recent issue of Walking Dead I can't help but feel a bit cheated that they're not both going to be TV series.

His 'Ice T proposes horribly inappropriate or confusing products' bit is gold.

Taint My Wagon!

Quick Note
I went to the same college as Patton (William and Mary) and they no longer offer Physics for Poets (as of 2000-2004.) I don't know why this is important but it seems relevant to the above article.

Other than Scalped, The Unwritten is my favorite comic currently being published. Issue 12 was one of the greatest single issue comics I've ever read.

Ahem.. *cough*Megaupload .cbr*cough*

No iZombie review?
I just read the first issue and it has promise but I'm not as excited for it as I was with Vertigo's other more recent titles. I'd like to hear the AV Clubs take.

As a Redskins fan I have to say good luck with Jason Campbell, and I'm not being sarcastic. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy with McNabb. I just feel like Campbell got a raw ass deal here from the organization and fans. I hope he does well in Oakland… but with your O-line I worry about his health (I recognize our O-line

Cube pulled it together well.
For the first 20 minutes of this documentary where it was detailing the Raiders as a team and the rise of Gansta Rap separately I thought the connection between the two seemed tenuous at best. The setup conversation between Snoop and Cube where they were reflecting on how the Raiders