
Keeping plotlines seperate is a good thing.
I wondered in last week's comments if Justified would keep its overarching plotlines seperate or try and pull them all together at the end of the season. It looks like they're going the seperate route and I think this is a good thing.

They played all this shit at my fraternity's parties. Every time those of us with non-horrible music tastes tried to get them to change up the mixes we were met with the line 'yeah this music is bad but girls won't dance to the stuff you want to play.' I guess nothing breeds inebriated ass-shaking like familiarity.

This looks like a setup for an eye-rolling, failure of a finale. Still, as long as we don't get Cuddy shouting "YEAAAAAHHHHH!" in triumph at the end as the camera zooms back I will be happy at this point.

Glad to see someone taking shots at Beyonce.
I feel like she gets a free pass from critics. Outside of her voice and looks she has very little to offer. I find her utterly dull and have never understood the hype surrounding her music (even in the context of the pop music genre.) Then on top of that she's kind of a

You make good points and I'd say and 'F' is a little harsh.

I mean you could always just use torrents.

Chad's storyline now just makes no sense.
I was hoping for a bit of intrigue as to which side he was playing, but now he just seems confused. The writing of his "subterfuge" was impossibly convoluted.

This is just fucking bizarre. It's every week with you people. Go away you weirdos! Shoo!

W. Earl Brown…
… needs to land another permanent role on a good cable show (I don't think he has the "look" for a network show to take him on.) That guy is just too good of an actor. I get he mostly plays unhinged badasses but there should be enough of those characters to go around. Hell, bring him into Sons of

Still pretty amazing…
Having seen and enjoyed Invictus as well I was still able to enjoy this installment. The story is just too good to mess up.

Great Potential Here
I'm glad this show got picked up. Usually the post SP time slot is a death sentence. However, unlike the other shows that have failed in this time slot Ugly Americans is actually smart and funny. Here's hoping they have a strong second half.

Replacement Killers…
… was a good movie and he played a pretty bad-ass assassin along with some scary looking German dude.

Stallone got busted for roids after Rocky Balboa, but since he's not an athlete no one cares. I mean shit, how else is he going to look all jacked at 60-whatever?

Yeah I'm pretty disappointed with how the writers seem to think that they can make up for Anna's incompetence with the fact that Baccarin can deliver one hell of an 'icy stare.' Usually I side with writers over actors, but in this case she's being under-utilized and poorly developed.

Chad's interesting new plotline (maybe)
At least his character is finally moving from career oriented skeptic to career oriented lonely guy who may no longer be a skeptic. And it only took 9 episodes!

Even as a lifelong Skins fan I gotta agree with this one. What a blowhard asshole.

Ricky Williams hurt me personally…
… by destroying my fantasy team where I had him as my keeper. I had him in 02' and was looking strong going into 03'. That was a $250 buy in league too… oh well.

I just can't get over the fact that Sledgehammer is the kid from Jurassic Park. He really nailed the look in tonight's episode when he stared down the MP at the end. Just amazing.

Oh Noes! Renewable Energy!
I haven't bothered to dwell on this show's increasing bizarre political association of the Vs with what some might consider the 'liberal agenda' but this parallel is too on the nose to ignore. I mean, the health care and flu vaccination stuff from earlier in the season was politically

Yeah that was totally unrealistic. I was on vicodin when I had my ACL replaced and all it did was make bad movies watchable (I remember enjoying the Starsy and Hutch remake immensely the night I got back from the hospital) not get you high as a kite.