
Really, no one is going to point out the fact that the Dark One's name was Zoso? I would figure AV Club to be the first place for someone to make a snarky comment on the blatant Led Zepplin reference.

The young Irish female jockey is the actress who played Octavia in HBO's Rome. I remember her being decent in that role. Hopefully she'll get a compelling story arc here beyond just "female jockey trying to succeed in a male dominated sport."

It's interesting that the writers brought Jimmy's war experience back into the fold in the events leading up to his death, capped off by him telling Nucky that he "died three years ago in the trenches."

The fact that Rome hasn't been covered yet is tragic.

Random question:

I thought it was left kind of ambiguous as to whether Tara ever gave the letters to Piney. We know she made copies, who's to say she didn't give him a copy (or the originals) off-screen?

Guy is a pretty damn good shot. Moving target, range of about 50-75 yards, only half of the guy's body showing… with a 9mm?

I have a theory about Piney's fallback plan and it's not Tara. I have a feeling he might have it with a lawyer who has his Will with a stipulation that it be delivered to the club if he is murdered.

OK, Gillian straight up made a pass at Jimmy when she kissed him full on the lips, right? There's no mistaking that. Not to mentioned the "what the hell?" look on his face afterward. Is she going to try to seduce him?

Oh man is Fliff Night one of the greatest comedy bits on the internet ever. My friends and I incorporate Frank's description of how important he felt from that video most every time we go out. Especially the "seeming rich" part.

Game of Thrones was published in 1996. HBO's Rome came out in 2005.

Didn't see a lot of Ghost this episode. He has a bigger role in the books as Jon's companion. I wonder why the writers chose to not have him in more shots?

Yeah this is how I read that scene too. Mags knows Loretta can implicate at least Dickie in her father's murder and maybe even Mags herself. The abrupt about face she did when Raylan denied her access to Loretta seemed too abrupt to be anger over grief for not being able to 'say goodbye.'

"Well then, I guess everything is wrapped up in a nice little package!"
As much as I've enjoyed this show so far I was hoping that Wysoki had actually disobeyed Colvin and would cost the CPD their new radios. However, as soon as I saw the CPD got their radios that night (which seems implausible) I knew Colvin and

The Filmdrunk Frotcast
I made a plug for this last week but got it in to the comments pretty late. This podcast is quickly becoming my favorite weekly comedy podcast. It's by the folks who write for the website Filmdrunk. None of them are professional comedians or writers, just some bloggers who talk about film but

The Scene with Boyd and Eva…
… may be the best the series has had so far.

Song from the Crazy-Ass Dance Number
Was this an original song? I don't know my musicals very well so I'm not sure if it was from a Broadway production or something similar. Or maybe it's an actual song that they Glee-ified? The song sounded vaguely familiar but that might have been from all the previews I saw this

The Filmdrunk Frotcast
The consistently hilarious people who write for Filmdrunk have a podcast and it's hilarious. No one famous is ever on it but it doesn't matter. They discuss film mostly but the show usually involves many hilarious side gags that don't involve film. Last week's Charlie Sheen rant discussion was

Greg Proops' Podcast
It's called The Smartest Man in the World and it's damn funny. I was never a huge Whose Line is it Anyway fan and had never seen him do standup but caught him on a few other podcasts I listen to. Also, several comedians I love cite him as being an influence. That was enough motivation for me to

Yeah, I was actually a bit bugged by Raylan's actions with regards to Boyd tonight. The show establishes Raylan as a perceptive (albeit skeptical) law man. I feel like he should have good enough instincts to realize, despite his past and his relationship with Raylan, that Boyd is trying to go clean.