
If you show a guy take a watch from a dead dude in the first act, then that watch better shoot someone by the third.

Wow, those are both pretty great. I always thought Ken had a pretty quick wit and sense of humor. Perhaps I need to put aside my innate wariness of Mormons and become more tolerant.

So, is Winona pregnant?
The final scene sure seemed to imply as much. But then in the trailer for next week it looks like Raylan and Winona are out drinking at a bar (it was a quick shot so maybe she wasn't drinking.)

Ken Jennings knows his indie/hip-hop producers!
I was quite happy when Ken beat out Watson to identify Danger Mouse from the question tonight. Pretty impressive knowledge of music culture for a Mormon.

Woodhouse killing Burrough's wife…
… was the type of genius moment that makes this show stand out from other comedies on TV.

But then it all turns out to be a DT induced hallucination thanks to a week-long bender on Jim Beam. BAM! There's your product placement.

So I guess the Miami threat is put to bed…
… and that's a good thing. This show was at its best last season when it focused on the crazy hillbilly mafia aspects of KY. If they had left the threat from the Miami cartel open it would have complicated things. Granted the way they wrapped it up felt a bit rushed, but I'm

Yeah, fast forwarding through that ad on the DVR I thought for a second it might be a new FX series. Then I remembered if it was I would have probably heard about it from the AV Club newswire. Then I saw it was for Jim Beam and had my hopes fully dashed.

It was an 'exotic parlay' so I only got 5:1 odds as opposed to the usual 6:1 or 7:1 for a traditional 3 team parlay. It was a silly bet I did for the hell of it. Only put $50 on the line. I'm a bit remiss to name the site I use cause I'm not sure if they're entirely above board, sorry.

The "Battle: Los Angeles"…
… trailer looked pretty awesome. I'm not sure if that's a "cool" movie to be excited about, but I am. There, I said it.

Would Sir Robert take part in the war?
We know he fought with Bates in the Second Anglo-Boer war, but that was over 10 years prior. I know he has a lot of dignity but he's not a young man. I can't see him returning to service with so much turmoil at home.

Ahh the life of a homely middle child (although I don't think she's so homely as the Crowleys seem to think she is, she certainly looks decent enough in a corset.) I have a feeling her relationship with Mary is going to get more heated but they will ultimately make up due to some unforeseen, dramatic circumstance.

I thought the long con worked.
It seems like most commenters here agree but the guys I watched it with thought it was a cop out. They seem to think the lack of any scene acknowledging the con before tonight's finale doesn't work. My thinking is that the fact the Sons had to keep Gemma in the dark explains it. If I had

Photo Question
The wedding photo in tonight's episode was not the photo being taken when Jimmy clocked the photographer. He was taking a photo of a young boy. I remember the boy's mom hiding his face from the beat down after the initial punch to the camera.

Stahl would look pretty cool with a Snidley Whiplash style mustache.

Wasn't there a scene earlier in the season where Kozik and Tig were talking about the thing in question (now revealed to be a dog but what we all assumed was a woman) came to Kozik out of some kind of betrayal? I might have to go back and watch the episode but I think Kozik talked about how the dog ended up being his

Return to Normalcy
Yeah so it's a Warren G. Harding quote, what of it?

It kinda got lost in the action of tonight's episode but Gemma did betray Tara's secret pregnancy to Jax. I wonder if that will have any lingering effect next season (granting Tara doesn't die or lose the baby due to getting smacked around) on her and Gemma's relationship?

Sorry, that subject line should read "Able's Second Kidnapping…"

Jimmy's 2nd Kidnapping and Father Kellan's Atonement
First I want to say this was an excellent review. The level of insight was profound and thoughtful while eschewing any excessive recapping. Well done. (This is no slight against Zach or Noel's reviews, but I wanted to give props where props were due.)