
I went to a Catholic school in DC and we got a live go-go band to play our prom. It was tits. We didn't need no shitty pop music.

Yeah it probably is… but still, who has ever used the term 'stick a cookie up your ass!' as an insult?

Jesus, what an awful year for music…
… and not just pop. I distinctly remember the music of 1999-2000 as it was my senior year of high school. I really do think it was my bafflement with and hatred of the music of the late 90s that turned me into such a cynical bastard.

I completely agree. Basketball back then was tough as nails. Guys like Oakley and Mason are anachronisms. If you tried to drive to the basket they would knock your ass down. In today's NBA guys like that can't exist because of the way they call the games. Over officiating had lead to a league where if you breathe on a

Man did I hate Reggie Miller!
But damn did I love this documentary.

The scene with the Japanese soilder…
… in the creek was amazing. It was gut-wrenching. The guy screaming, begging the Marines to shoot him and end it… chilling stuff. The way they mocked him and shot around him was hard to watch.

Preemptive Warning
Plastic Beach comes out next week. I've already listened to my advanced copy a few times. As much respect as I have for Mr. Phipps I gotta say: If you folks don't give this album its fair due I'll be pissed. Demon Days was a great album and was one of the best live concerts I've ever attended. This

As logical as that theoretical conclusion sounds Bill is way to stubborn to let that happen. I think he'd die before letting any of his wives leave. The guy is just to stuck on his own abiding belief in The Principal.

There's no way Bill beats Goran in teatherball.
That guy is jacked!

I threw a shoe at the lead singer of Everclear.
It was at one of the HFStivals in the 90's. I hated Everclear and was a bit drunk, saw a shoe lying on the fringe of a mosh-pit (yes people were inexplicably moshing to Everclear) and launched that fucker at the stage. It missed (sadly) but it did cause him to stop

I was really hoping Cuddy would cave and take the 8% to save her job. I know she's supposed to be all 'tough and uncompromising' but I think forcing her to accept the lower number would have been some decent character development. Force her to take on a bit of humility and all that.

I'm just wondering…
… how many more bridges can Bill burn? After evicting Ban and selling out Don he's not going to have anyone left in his corner when the chips are down. This show needs to end with him broken and alone. No happy endings, please. It's as much as he deserves.


Not sure if you're giving Wilde a fair shake.
I actually enjoyed the interaction between Valerie and 13 in tonight's episode. Maybe it lacked the subtlety of other movies/TV shows involving psychopaths, but I thought Valerie was sufficiently creepy and 13's appalled reactions to her various manipulations seemed

I thik it's 6 weeks to the election, not months.
But I could be wrong. I think for the sake of a compact season 6 weeks makes more sense. However, as Amile pointed out, it's a damn short amount of time to mount a campaign for state Senate.

What, no Squeakquel?!
Maybe it's cause I wasn't objected to the awfulness of the first one, but the Alvin and the Chipmunks Squeakquel made me want to stick hot knives in my eyes. I had to take a few young cousins to it and I barely made it through the movie.

A disclaimer from the rest of the East Coast.
As a resident of the East Coast who frequents its beaches outside of South Jersey I would like to say Mr. Sorrentio and cohorts in no way represent the way we have fun.

Question their hardness on account of being French-Canadian all you want, but the History channel (or maybe it was A&E) show I saw on these guys was fucking scary. Apparently they were really into bombing and not so much the direct killing. One group of the Angels blew up another gang's clubhouse and caused all kinds

Slightly disapointing but still a solid finish.
So I guess we didn't get the all out bloodbath climax that tied up all loose ends that we were hoping for. I have mixed feeling about how it all went down. On the one hand they have set up some serious drama for next season, on the other I'm left feeling a little hollow

I think they are making it a movie actually. Or at least I think someone bought the rights to it, but I could be wrong.