
Good call on Kitchen Confidential. I thought it was pre-2000 but it turns out it's not. Damn, that book felt like ti came out forever ago.

Against the Day was a convoluted mess of a book that was way too in love with it's own cleverness, and that's coming from someone who in a huge Pynchon fan. I still managed to enjoy the book on some levels, but no way is it in the running for best of the decade.

Inherent Vice
I know it just recently came out and is a bit on the light side in terms of gravitas, but I enjoyed the hell out of this novel. Granted I've only read about half the books on this list so I can't argue too informatively for Inherent Vice's inclusion, but I thought I'd put it out there.

I agree it didn't fit in with the overall pacing, but I think it was necessary to set up the showdown between Tara and her boss.

I want to run through a motherfucking brick wall right now!
Oh hell and goddamn yes! From the opening scene where the Sons were essentially 'going to the mattresses' you knew there was going to be some crazy shit going down. I don't think an episode of TV has made me this pumped up since the last season of The Shield.

While I don't necessarily disagree with you about the decline in quality over the past year I'm not sure it's fair to call out Onstad for trying to capitalize on the series.

I will gush away. This is the first comic book series I ever really got into (I'm a bit new to the medium.) I'm not much of a caped hero/mutant comic book person, series more in this vein are my bag.

Scalped, Walking Dead and Fables…
… should have all made this list, but I do like a lot of the titles here as well.

Eagles of Death Metal
I'm sorry, but the fact that not a single Eagles of Death Metal album appeared on the metal list, overall list, or this one off list if a travesty.

… although the Yakety-Sax song when he's running up the hill through the woods is great. And the Fred Sanford's car joke.

Easily the best part of that Rifftrax. Nice call.

I'm not sure there are many of them among the AV Club reader ranks, thankfully.

I was squirming like a damn toad from the minute they had that entirely too passionate kiss in the kitchen. Jesus, that was just awkward and depressing to the point of nauseating.

Thanks for the compliment. I think you make an interesting point bringing up the 'Adrianna Route' they could have taken the Chibs story line as it highlights the main theme of pulling together and forgiveness that made the many resolutions in this episode work.

They do tend to mumble. I usually just crank up the sound (which tends to annoy the housemates.) It's a necessary evil though, if they spoke in the perfect Queen's English it wouldn't exactly work.

Hatchet Burying
I also felt nervous going into tonight's episode. With only one (or two?) episodes left they had to settle a lot of scores before the big showdown with the Nation. And while it may have been a lot to cram into an hour I thought they pulled it off well (and more importantly in a believable way), despite

//the ethnocentric double standards of many people with regard to slaughter of animals for food consumption//

While I'm not sure if comparing it to Wonder Shozen is the best way to make your point I completely agree.

Jiggle Billy: So, we jiggling, or…
Happy Time Harry: Hey, backwoods retard? Not now, not ever.

Sons of Anarchy
I know it came along late in the decade and the first season was a bit choppy, but this show is already better than several on this list. The second season has been riveting, moving along at a breakneck pace on par with Breaking Bad season 2.