
I liked it up until the smurf part.
They were hitting all the right notes with Cartman eliciting the Glen Beck talking points style. Not a lot of laugh out loud moments (none really) but the parody was clever and dead on.

Or maybe he could have taken the time to blow up an air mattress and put on sheets and a comforter? Jeez man, what ever happened to passion?

'Miller' huh? Sounds like a Prod name to me. Go drink some Bushmills ya twat!

Harry Crane, I meant Harry… damn spellcheck auto-complete.

Henry Crane - Sleeper Character
I've always admired the Henry Crane character in Mad Men. He strikes me as much more blue collar than most of his coworkers. He is pudgy, nebbish, and and insecure, but he's a hell of a hard worker who is willing to grind it out to make up for his lack of strength in other areas.


Jimmy O'Phelan did not disapoint…
… and Welliver nailed the role. The detached and almost careless way he throws around the threats to Chibs' family make them all the more convincing and horrifying. He's the kind of man for whom violence and rape mean very little. They are easy decisions when used as a means to an end.

They should have devoted more time to his pre-CBS oddsmaker career.
They should have devoted more time to his pre-CBS oddsmaker career.

Totally wasted episode…
Without even knowing about breaking up the season I would have said this was a wasted episode. They managed to advance one and only one plot point about half a tick — the Visitors opening diplomatic relations. Most of the plot advancements mentioned in Sims' AV Club review were part of the

Yeah, you can replace one of my Lenos with a Mencia.

Kilborn wasn't a bad host, he had his moments and could deliver a joke, but the guy just came off as such a smug prick I could never really enjoy him.

Leno, Leno, Leno, Leno, and Leno. A million times Leno.

Lucas? Really?
This was so completely implausible and out of character for Cuddy that I didn't even believe it was him at first. Didn't her character used to have a brain and logic in this show? What a completely lazy pull by the writers. They can't resolve the House/Cuddy love intrest plot so just throw this short

I'll probably get blasted for these two, but…
… I enjoyed the one season of ESPN's Playmakers and FOX's Kitchen Confidential.

I like that two of the potential causes of 24's death…
… on 21's list are 'suicide' and happenstance.'

Jimmy O
I called it in last week's comments: this guy is connected to Fiona (Chib's ex) and is apparently one bad dude. Seems like the Sons (and not just Chibs) even look a bit apprehensive when talking about him.

Yeah I think that was Tig, because Half Sack came with Clay et al to take down the whore houses and blow the meth lab.

OK, granted his track record in the past 2 decades has been pretty bad. I'll admit, the man is a caricature at this point in his life.

Oops, strike the word 'don't' from that first sentence.

Marion Barry is an easy target…
… but very few people outside of DC don't understand the many positive things he did for the black community here. To get a better picture I'd recommend the PBS documentary Washington DC in the 60s.