
In the court of the Crimson King!
The second Rusty said prog rock I was praying for a King Crimson joke, and man did the show not disappoint.

Fall of Cthulhu comic book
BOOM! Studios created a fantastic series of comics based on the Cthulhu Mythos. It's based in Arkham and features several of the major deities and monsters from Lovecrafts work (Nylarhotep, Nodens, Cthulhu, etc.)

The previews of this…
… make all of the stage crew and dancers look like they're in some bizarre cult. Maybe it's just cause I don't have experience with stage productions (musical or otherwise) but there seem to be a lot of brainwashed looking grins on people's faces as then engage in coordinate cheering and exalting

Another important reason there have not been any good American heavyweights is that the best athletes in the country who used to start off boxing have gravitated to other sports, football and basketball primarily.

Serving handjobs for dessert!
Easily the best line of the night. So, so vicious. Tara can't take out her anger on Gemma so instead she opts for the easy target in Lyla. That's just a straight up bitchy move right there.

Yeah that idea crossed my mind, but it just seems like the writers are trying to force tension into Dex and Rita's relationship. The apartment shouldn't be an issue that leads to a divorce conversation. Two weeks of the cold shoulder and forcing Dex to give the place up would be more realistic.

Rita's inconsistency bugs me.
She was married to and stayed with a sociopath drug addict for a long enough period to have 2 kids with him but she's willing to dump Dexter over keeping his old apartment? I mean yeah, it's shady, but his excuse that he was holding onto it before the lease ran out to get his security

I see your point but I think what Tollin was trying to highlight with the Trump part of the documentary was that he killed it before it even had a chance to fail under it's original vision.

I guess that was believeable enough.
I commented last week that I thought there was no way a judge would let them out before a trail. The resolution here (a half million dollar bail that ended up being posted by the wealthy land owner who happens to owe the Sons a few favors) was passable enough. Still, with their rap

I don't think you're giving this entry enough credit…
… also I feel you're ignoring the major point of the documentary and what made it great.

No Fu Manchu?!
Good fucking god! Every one of their albums is tailor made for driving long distances. The Action is Go, King of the Road, In Search Of… I mean these albums are about driving cars fast for long periods of time.

Bumpus' Dogs!
They've ruined yet another Christmas turkey! My old man will have his revenge yet.

How much worse can it get?
Let me preface this by saying I have full faith in the writers of this show…

I don't think next week's will be as much of a downer as the first two. It's setting up to be more of a 'controversial' documentary. Pretty much they're just going to run down the reasons why Trump screwed everything up after he came in and bullied all the other owners into following his idiotic vision of where to

Love Good Eats…
… hate the shtick. Good Eats is easily the most informative show on Food Network, mainly because he teaches you technique and loads of information about the ingredient in question (selection, handling, storage, prep, etc.) instead of just giving you recipes.

Remember when Chipotle was a 'healthy' alternative to fast food…
… I think this episode may be the final straw that breaks that myth's back. I have a Core Performance workout book from 2000 where the author recommends Chipotle as a healthy option for a workday lunch. Yeah, not so much.

No offense Atlanta, but your entire city's identity wasn't wrapped up in the Braves of the 90s… I've seen the attendance numbers. I'm not trying to rip Atlanta sports or your devotion to your team, but it's just not comparable. I'm not from Edmonton or even from Canada, but I've witnessed their level of mania both on

I was really hoping they would cover this aspect of how the trade impacted hockey as a sport. I guess the hour format didn't allow for it, but I think a lot of what got the ball rolling on Betman's ill-fated expansion (which led to the eventual lockout season) started with this trade and the hype it created.

Further evidence of Opie's death wish:
1. He accepts the number of and seems generally interested in a porno actress with a crack (I think it was crack) habit. Leaving the goddamn crack on the passenger side floor while driving your kid to school? Then driving at least a few miles on a rim? I'm sure she'll bring a

Unser's Role in the show
When I first heard about this show and checked out the cast I was quite excited that Dayton Callie was going to be playing a 'comprised lawman.' As Handlen mentioned in his review, I was similarly disappointed (early in the first season) that he seemed to be nothing more than a pawn in