
Erika Christensen's cleavage…
… gets an A and might deserve an Emmy. It certainly held my attention for most of the episode. The rest of the ep was a solid B so I guess the B+ average works.

Topher's 180
You've got to give credit to Whedon and the writers for turning a nebish, slightly obnoxious character into one of the most intriguing characters in the series in the span of two episodes and have it not feel forced.

Hugh Laurie's medical issues
I just caught this article today:

No love for Wonkette?
I know it's a bit DC-centric but it's still #1 for liberal political snark.

Back to square one has started.
I'm fairly convinced that they're moving back to the original cast given Kutner's suicide. Predictions:

Please to be adding this show to your review lineup.
It's good for several reasons which I'm sure you can extrapolate better than I. Thank you.

Davids lack of mourning over his brother's death.
I know it wouldn't serve the overall plot well and doesn't make for great TV but David's lack of mourning over his brother's death is nagging me. He seems to have bounced back and moved on to the matters of the court and his love interest pretty quickly.

How did Achewood not make anyone's list? For shame AV Club.