
Is the group of Scavengers who rolled up to Alexandria on bicycles the single creepiest thing this series has ever shown?

Scott, your line about the thematic significance of father figures got me thinking: What if Zoom is Earth-2 Henry Allen? Say in Earth-2, time-traveling Reverse Flash succeeds in killing young Barry. Twisted by grief, Henry eventually gets the Speed Force somehow and swears revenge against all Speedsters. A long shot I

Unless it's further down in the comments, I'm not seeing any mention of how the last shot of the episode mirrors the "Flash Disappears in Crisis" picture from Thawne's newspaper…

The only thing I'm disappointed by is how little talk there is about how snazzy Korra's wedding outfit is. Damn gurl.

Two KGB agents with a rocky marriage deep undercover in suburban America, one undyingly devoted to their cause, the other tempted to defect, with a FBI agent freshly moved in across the street. 
I can't help but wonder… did it occur to anyone else that this same premise could also make an awesome sitcom?

I highly recommend you read a great book called The Art of Immersion by Frank Rose to learn more about the ways entertainment media are working to expand and reinforce their ideas and narratives beyond the traditional viewing experience.

I didn't really find the show funny, honestly, but I did think it was interesting and surprisingly smart as a parody of television. That truck ad? I wasn't sure if that was part of the show or an actual ad before I realized that it was both. I'm definitely going to be tuning in next week to see what other ways they

I wanted to like this a lot more than I did, which pretty much sums up the last couple years of Family Guy.

I wanted to like this a lot more than I did, which pretty much sums up the last couple years of Family Guy.

Despite Axel's… lack of charm in this week's episode, I can't help but like the guy. He's fun to have around, even if just for comic relief, in the fact that a cowardly, creepy but (hopefully) harmless moron is outside the norm for the kind of people still living in this world. I didn't get any sense that he was a

Despite Axel's… lack of charm in this week's episode, I can't help but like the guy. He's fun to have around, even if just for comic relief, in the fact that a cowardly, creepy but (hopefully) harmless moron is outside the norm for the kind of people still living in this world. I didn't get any sense that he was a

Just for the sake of discussion, I'll note that I have no prior knowledge of either of these actors, and the idea of them being too close in age to be father/son never crossed my mind while watching.

Just for the sake of discussion, I'll note that I have no prior knowledge of either of these actors, and the idea of them being too close in age to be father/son never crossed my mind while watching.

Stop-motion SpongeBob. All arguments are invalid.

Stop-motion SpongeBob. All arguments are invalid.

"I gotta find Cosmo and Wanda and unwish this wish!"

"I gotta find Cosmo and Wanda and unwish this wish!"

Something about this show has always been off-putting to me, and this is the first episode I watched all the way through. But I quite enjoyed it, so if it qualifies as a disappointing episode I guess I definitely have to watch more.

Something about this show has always been off-putting to me, and this is the first episode I watched all the way through. But I quite enjoyed it, so if it qualifies as a disappointing episode I guess I definitely have to watch more.

I enjoyed the special looking back across the series more than this episode. There were some fun gags (I will always find Peter vs. Ernie hilarious, myself), but I'm just over the Brian and Stewie episodes. How crazy would it be if the next special, landmark celebration episode of Family Guy was actually about the