
With all respect to Mr. Elliott, I can't imagine anyone else but Rutger Hauer as The Hitcher.

I love in Burton's Ed Wood when Tor Johnsson can't fit through the door and the camera guy wants to do another take, but Ed says to leave it in for realism.

Burn Notice.

Who cuts Harry Dean Stanton?

Solaris is a great book.

Old Dirty Bastard's children now touring as A.C.O.O.D.B.

Tartovsky's Solaris is so boring, it makes the remake with George Clooney look action-packed.

Please mash-up video from that Harry Potter movie with Michael Gambon's dialogue from The Cook, The Thief, His Wife & Her Lover.

If GWAR shows up at the end of this movie, I will be amused.

So…no word on Charles Atlas Shrugged?

hey, the guy in the picture is starting a slow clap!

Some sort of Prisoner/Red Dwarf crossover?

I guess that means my script for MUDs: The Movie is a little past it's prime…

This is many, many conversations about many, many movies distilled into a fine essence.

your favorite show is on OWN? you officially smoke too much reefer.

I suppose it does fit, since his character is "big fat guy who eats all the time." Which is kind of offensive to people who actually struggle with their size.

Ouch! Right in the Buscemi!

Get off my plane of existence

I heard the character Mel's playing is named Machine Gun Joe Viturbo.

That was the Shakespeare play, the one with the dead hooker under the mattress.