
Danny Glover is busy kicking ass with Danny Trejo in "2 Dannys with Improvised Weapons" or whatever it's called.

Oh, a wandering ninja I…


the cover version. 
-crashes into trash cans-

The first movie based on a mix tape?

I showed up for the Talking Heads reference. I stayed for several more Talking Heads references.

More like how he's placed in all these historical situations. Oh, he killed Martin Luther King Jr., oh he put Saddam Hussein on hold, oh he rigs every Oscar night.

Definitely would have made Cigarette Smoking Man more sinister, as opposed to more comical. There was kind of a Forrest Gump quality to that episode.

Sure is some well-dressed flotsam around 'ere…

Some metal band should use the first minute of this as the intro to their album. I kept expecting power chords and Nathan Explosion vocals any second.

Wait….was the Spinal Tap song 'Sex Farm' used in the Rock Bottom segment?

My second favorite Bee Guy moment on the Simpsons, right behind "iNaranjas en la cabezaaaa!"

Oh man, the 'Lil' Abner' Twilight Zone episode…

Don't sully the name of legendary bluesman Buddy Guy like this! 
"I'm too damn cool to be in this shit!"

I think the Chinese cut of this film had all the leads get killed about a half-hour in, and then the guys who piloted the three-armed robot with the spinning blades save the day. I'd be okay with the sequel being about them, as long as Ron Perlman shows up…with Danny Trejo, playing the most badass Mexican giant-robot