The Timonator

Nah Mike Smith went on tour w/ Guns N Roses last year (might actually still be showing up @ their shows too) and played Liquor and Whores with GNR backing him up. You can find it on you tube.

They Are.

I do. But you have to go to some pretty dodgy parts of town to meet them…

Maybe it's supposed to mean racoons = bad girls? Maybe the person who designed this ad fucks racoons and squirrels when he's feeling 'frisky'?

I must say I never listned to it with the critical ear you have obviously lent to this album. What the hell, perhaps I'll give it another spin.

As inescapable as this show seems to be - The AV Club is the only place I've ever come across it. I've never even seen a TV commercial for it. Does that make me lucky, or just extremely out of touch?

That was funny!

Nah, no scorn, I'd be interested to hear your defense of the band/album though.

Liquor and Whores
For my money, it doesn't get any better than when GNR play back up for Bubbles. Timeless.

Can we hope to see a grown-up sized man eating cutie robot in the future?

Fanboy Fantasy
meets fake ass hip-hop. Jesus Christ on a Go-Kart - why oh why oh why….


Good god!
If the internet community in general is making the world a worse place to live - I can only imagine the impact the AV Club boards will have on society - not to mention on future generations!

Comic Genius
"Maybe next week she can be teetering on the edge of a boat in open water while dressed like Natalie Wood."

High expectations from The Timonator = Big Disappointment. The Timonator makes you feel the radiant elation that comes only with laughter and love. Like you can do can change the world with a smile. Then, as quickly as he breezed into your life, The Timonator will let you down and leave you flat. He'll also

IS this the first
set of new retro-pop culture throw backs in a series of many? Can we expect to see more actresses and wash-ups re-shooting classic sexy photo-shoots? I'm looking forward to the Britney Spears classic reshoot of the Hustler: May '76 centerfold.

Did you see the slideshow, Lobsters?

The Albert Brooks films ARE awful. Getting rid of Gorp was indeed a good idea as well. Still, it's facinatting watching the show slowly evolve from episode to episode.

The Upcoming Peacock
Wasn't this the inspiration for Juno?
