
It was solid. The kind of movie you watch on cable on a Sunday afternoon.
So was Grudge Match. I don't get the hate for that film.

I'm a Canadian sports fan. Our pro teams have won nothing since the Habs and Jays won in 93.
The Jays winning like that against the Rangers last year is still the most entertaining sports event to happen to this country in the past 20 years. Bailey winning the 100 m sprint is up there with it.

Some have already said it in this thread, but Zohan is probably the best movie made in the States about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
I don't know if that makes me laugh or cry.

Happy to see Shahab Hosseini win. One of the best, down to earth, level headed actors working in Iran (and the world). He gives even the crappiest scripts some life.

Growing up as the kid of immigrants with no understanding of SNL's history and being a teenager, I thought this show was funnier.

I'll name 5

Looking forward to Farhadi's next film. Very little has been said about it besides having something to do with Death of a Salesman.

Looks terribleā€¦but will watch.

I can't wait for the scene where they torture some dude and get false data out of him to solve the story.

The wife did it.

IIRC 2006.

I hate to say this, but Zak Effron seems like he would be a decent Han Solo.

Has anyone seen Children of Heaven?

I can't get into this series. I didn't play the first 3 and then someone gave me MGS4. I found it rigid to a fault, with a poor story and annoying mechanics.

Were they trying to make the athletes look like Frankenstein's monsters on purpose? I mean the size of their foreheads is very distracting.

The show uses actual NFL team names and jerseys. Do you think they would actually run a whole plot line saying their product is the cause of brain damage? Of course not. ROGER GOODELL FOR GOODNESS SAKE

Hopefully they don't waste Alexander Siddig anymore.

At this point, I'm not surprised bad things happen to good people in this show, but the screams, damn it, the screams!!!

Watched the Entourage movie. Essentially 4 entourage episodes in one. It showed exactly what it said it was going to show. I didn't get the hate for it. Its a very average film at best, but low hanging fruit. There are so many bigger, more stupid Hollywood films out there with more harmful messages.

Alternative title: Lawyers - The Real Heroes.