
I'd like to provide perspective that no one asked for - from an Iranian movie fan.

No, no they weren't. Just look at the level of acceptance in the Persian empire back then and compare it to the Spartans.
Persians basically wanted loyalty to the empire aka pay taxes and then you could go on and live your own life. No slavery, a multi-ethnic, multi-religious state…

Middle Eastern People and South Asians aren't the same.
Middle Eastern People aren't the same (You have Turks, Persians, Arabs, Turks…) - yeah I know you can't tell the difference but they can!
Aladdin is set in China. Just get Chinese actors. Gets you better financing and less hassle.

This is Hollywood. So to them Middle Eastern means some guy from Calcutta.
(all due respect to Calcuttans).

That's a terrible idea. Barely any roles available for Middle Eastern actors as is. I know it would make the cast more "diverse" but diverse doesn't just mean hire the next African-British guy.

Do people actually buy into this bullshit Iran hatred this show has?

I thought the Rob Schneider series would at least be cancelled, but even that has also been renewed!

Flaked should be in that group as well.

I'm sure they'll have alot of fun bashing Muslims.

Guilt. Lots of guilt.

A great director who has been able to be in that zone where both audiences and critics love him.
Its a cliche usually but his movies are universal.

No, they don't.
You could be a religious fundamentalist from Saudi and get in, but if you're an atheist or bahai Iranian or a regular Muslim from Iran, Iraq or Syria who just wants to get away, you can't.

Not even funny.
You do understand she is among the liberal crowd in Iran, right?
And that Iran actually has a sizable Jewish community? (and no, they're not in work camps or anything like that).

I think by now its clear this has nothing to do with terror. The nations with the most ISIS and AQ members weren't even on the list of 7 countries.

Nice to see another Asghar Farhadi film get nominated.

This is why liberals are made fun of.

Also the Dreyfuss as Cheney speech about his ultimate foreign policy goals was very well done. Very sad considering its basically the playbook for any candidate we have now on both sides.

Great movie. Basically showed W's issues were related to them thinking Jeb is a much better son and more likely to be successful, which is damn funny now that you look at it.
W got the last laugh again.

So many standout scenes in this series
1 - LW1 - when the father of the deceased daughter is shot in the heart from a helicopter through his oceanside mansion's window while holding a milk container!
2 - LW1 - Riggs taking the suicidal dude with him
3 - LW2 - The accents of the bad guys and the 1980s Mercedez.
4 - LW2 -

Its funny he likes Argo, the movie literally funded by the CIA about a bunch of people funding a fake movie as part of CIA operation.