
This entire Iran storyline is insane. Read about Iranian intelligence services. They don't pull anything even close to the shit Javadi is pulling in the States. They don't dare. They know the US senate is drooling for an excuse to choke and/or bomb Iran into the stone age.
Yes I know this is a fictional TV show, but

Behrouz is a Persian name which pre-dates Islam. Has no religious connections. Common name for Iranians and some Afghans.

Am I the only person who read the "Chevy Account" as the "Cheney Account'?

Did anyone notice/mention the oranges. I thought this show was going to go the way of Godfather and kill someone off soon after the juggling Roger Sterling did.

Thanks for that. Really looking forward to Farhadi's upcoming film. Any ideas as to when we will see it in North America. This guy hasn't done a bad film so far. I highly recommend his movies before "A Separation" as well.

"Is that some sort of racist joke?"

He says he doesn't want to go to Iran because its not safe. I'm sorry, that's very hard to believe. Libya and Congo are disaster zones still, whereas most of urban Iran is actually pretty safe.

Sad thing is Morocco looks like Morocco only.
It doesn't look like Iran, Turkey, Iraq, and pretty much every middle Eastern country that its been filmed as.
Hell even Israel doesn't look like Lebanon, and they're neighbors (Homeland used Israel as filming location for Lebanon).
Granted I have to say Argo did a good job

There are definitely different levels. Sometimes arranged marriages are basically parents setting up their kids for dates, with hopes that it can turn serious quick.

Go Shivrang. BROWN (actually quite white) POWER!!!

In the Dubai episode he eats at one of his restaurants  Basically thinks its wildly overrated and out of place.

I've never actually listened to his stand-up. Based off this interview, I think he would at least have interesting points.

We have the same word for milk, lion and sink tap in Persian - "Sheer" (Yes just like sheer khan)
Below is what I remember.

I don't like Cece and Schmidt. I WAS HOPING FOR A KAL PENN CAMEO DAMN IT>

Wow. This wasn't bad. MIND BLOWN.

Wow. This wasn't bad. MIND BLOWN.

Homayoun Ershadi for Captain Nemo.
Ok,ok, maybe Mark Strong.

Homayoun Ershadi for Captain Nemo.
Ok,ok, maybe Mark Strong.

Hamas' ideology doesn't say all Shias are heretical apostates who are worse than other non-Muslims.

Hamas' ideology doesn't say all Shias are heretical apostates who are worse than other non-Muslims.