
Hated this episode. Even taking into account the events taking place in the show's world, a Shia organization like that would never work with a Wahabbi Sunni organization like that. The clothing the hezbollah commanders wore was very off as well. Just really poorly done. Ruined the show for me. Will continue to watch

Hated this episode. Even taking into account the events taking place in the show's world, a Shia organization like that would never work with a Wahabbi Sunni organization like that. The clothing the hezbollah commanders wore was very off as well. Just really poorly done. Ruined the show for me. Will continue to watch

At least they tried. I suppose they could have hired some Mexicans and just had them yelling "ALLAH ALLAH".

At least they tried. I suppose they could have hired some Mexicans and just had them yelling "ALLAH ALLAH".

Agreed. Nazir retaliating on behalf of Iran would be poor writing and not likely. AQ hates Iran, Shias and their allies. Why do you think they continue to tear apart Iraq?

Agreed. Nazir retaliating on behalf of Iran would be poor writing and not likely. AQ hates Iran, Shias and their allies. Why do you think they continue to tear apart Iraq?

Actually the people did not dress like most Beirut residents. Beirut looks a lot better and to me it seemed most of the extras were wearing hijab, kaffiyas and the like for the first time. This reminds me of some Israeli Samsung commercials from a few years back. Israelis thought the portrayals of Iran in the

Actually the people did not dress like most Beirut residents. Beirut looks a lot better and to me it seemed most of the extras were wearing hijab, kaffiyas and the like for the first time. This reminds me of some Israeli Samsung commercials from a few years back. Israelis thought the portrayals of Iran in the

J.P. McPickleshitter,
I don't know about Orthodox Jews, but Muslims won't destroy the old testament because they consider parts of it legitimate. They think Islam is the complete religion, but don't hate Christianity actually. I know it doesn't seem that way, but seriously, they love Jesus.

J.P. McPickleshitter,
I don't know about Orthodox Jews, but Muslims won't destroy the old testament because they consider parts of it legitimate. They think Islam is the complete religion, but don't hate Christianity actually. I know it doesn't seem that way, but seriously, they love Jesus.

Agreed. Judging strictly by the trailer, you want to yell at Anna for hurting a nice man like Karenin.

Agreed. Judging strictly by the trailer, you want to yell at Anna for hurting a nice man like Karenin.

Still not feeling sorry for Skyler.

Still not feeling sorry for Skyler.

Am I only one that thought that was Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner stealing the rug?

Am I only one that thought that was Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner stealing the rug?

Besides the direct references to Scarface (watching it on TV) wasn't that scene where Mike, Walt and Jesse were counting money have several shots which were filmed as if they were from a surveilance camera? It was also eerily similar to the scene in Scarface just before the cops bust Tony and crew when they're

Besides the direct references to Scarface (watching it on TV) wasn't that scene where Mike, Walt and Jesse were counting money have several shots which were filmed as if they were from a surveilance camera? It was also eerily similar to the scene in Scarface just before the cops bust Tony and crew when they're

This movie will do very well in Europe and conservative areas of America. White guy protecting his daughter from the revenge thirsty moozlems.
How the hell did Turkey let this movie be filmed there? Usually they're against movies which make their own people look bad. I know the bad guys are Albanian, but ask the

This movie will do very well in Europe and conservative areas of America. White guy protecting his daughter from the revenge thirsty moozlems.
How the hell did Turkey let this movie be filmed there? Usually they're against movies which make their own people look bad. I know the bad guys are Albanian, but ask the