
Its already made more than its budget at the international box office.

I consider this a failure by us middle eastern people to have educated those around us so poorly, that they can't tell someone like Nicole Scherzinger looks less Persian or Palestinian than Brad Pitt.

I never liked these movies, but its got time travel, so it has my interest.
Best time travel movies:

This is odd, because Fat Russian dude with beautiful woman is not a rare sight in Russia.
Also how will they hide all the skinhead attacks against anyone who looks like they're from Central Asia or the Caucasus.

I always watched it on Global. However it was very annoying as every 3rd week they would re-air King Ottokar's Sceptre. Also the intro credits always had scenes from the episode where Tintin goes to the moon, but I don't remember over a 2 year span, Global showing those episodes even once.

Did the show get renewed for a third season? And are they going to wait another 16 months to get 8 episodes ready?

I hope the show has some balls and let's Kevin be the biological father.

Most hunger-creating episode - Turkey
Followed by Lebanon and Vietnam.

Yes, they also had the old flag of Yugoslavia.

2 routes. Let's say the Saudi boy was a genius. Graduates high school at age 16, immediately moves to England finishes his bachelor's in 4 and does a Ph.D without masters in another 2 years. That would make 22 only. In England they have many programs where you don't have to do a masters, particularly in engineering

Yikes. Reading the comments has me thinking I may be the only one who likes the Kevin - Robin relationship despite it being disastrous.

teh dude, i'd have to agree.

Am I the only one who felt bad for Yosi?

Nice little touch.

It wasn't supposed to be subtle. Its a comedy with guys smoking crack weed in George Bush's ranch. Why would you expect subtlety?

I'm not quite sure what the series is trying to do with that hipster crew/neanderthals.
Are they just there for satire and for us to laugh at what a cliche they are? Or to highlight even further that Rachel is an overachieving girl who just wants stories and only has 1st world rich girl problems?
Or even worse, do the

I can't stand Domingo and Rachel, so in a way it's fitting that they're going to get together.
Line of night - Cam: "Well f*** you, you little ho".

I'm surprised anyone remembers.
What is he doing now?

Yap. The weird sex has nothing do with Islam or religion.
Years in captivity with a bunch of men will do that to you.
He probably pictured his wife that way every day in captivity and carried out the same motion.

I don't know if it has been discussed on these boards before, but his customers are way too attractive to be paying. I know its a TV show and I need to detach a bit from reality, but you're telling me these women couldn't get dates/fbuddies/boyfriends/girlfriends/…. the non gigolo way?