
They all have very bad fake tans. Even Thor.

How the hell did Bill Maher get a leading role?

Has Habibi been reviewed yet? Or did I miss it?

The Odyssey was a great show. I didn't really understand it, but it had some pretty dark storylines for a kid's show.
I think a young Ryan Reynolds was on it, no?

It sucks being a Jays or a baseball fan in general now a days unless you're in New York, Boston, or Philly.

I'd like a review as well.

I can't remember the first R-rated movie I saw. I don't even know if it was R rated. I was 4 or 5 at most and I was at my grandparents. They were napping or busy so I turned on the TV only to see a mustachioed man with a white shirt, get hit in the chest with an ax and immediately collapse in front of his truck or

No questions about the Sopranos?

Great write-ups.
Is there a chance to move up the schedule for season 2 from next summer?

If you listen to the interview, he explains that security didn't want to remove the hecklers because they had something to do with people who run and own the casino.

Beloved in Brazil
This man was loved by all in Brazil.
In 94 Brazil's economy was in absolute shambles.
Senna died in 94 and I remember our Brazilian neighbor being really down and saying Brazil no longer has anything to say in international sport.
2 months later they won the World Cup in the states.

Critical reception
This movie is nowhere near as bad as the critics made it out to be.
Although I think I live in some parallel universe because this movie was sold out in the theatre I went to and most of the audience kept bursting out into cacklish laughter.

Looks like a Korean gangster movie
Yeah, that's right.

one of the great music videos

Did any of the characters wear pants?

Apes Ma,
Yes Tintin is huge in Western Europe, but I can assure you that its also loved and has huge name recognition in the Middle East, South Asia, East Asia (especially China), North Africa and segments of South America.

Rest of the world
Tintin is loved in every country besides the States and Canada. It'll make 500 million worldwide. It doesn't matter how bad the motion capture is.

To me it looks like the city is "rebuilding" and as it goes higher and higher the need for Batman (the sybmol) diminishes.

So Gotham City is basically Montreal?

I don't think he's lying. From the article: