
It's not a big reveal to the audience, but to the characters it is pretty serious.  First, they would be surprised by someone dying of another cause of coming back to life; even Rick almost got bit by Shane.  Second, it means that the zombies can't be waited out to eradicate the infection.  Third, are they all going

On the highway, the kids wearing a hat the whole time but right as the sheriff is calling the old man a "man of god" when the shot turns to the old man there's someone in the backround with long hair.

Hey Mr. Evan, you suck big fat ones, small skinny ones, just about everything that you can suck to bring pleasure to another and a dirty, shameful feeling to yourself.  I kid.  I'm just a little jealous.

When did blood turn into Heroin for the vampires?  I haven't been following week-to-week in the US version but my recollection was that drinking blood, whatever it's side effects, made the vampires stronger and heightened their senses rather than blotto.  That's even without using the word cliche, or worn out metaphor

And who is telling Rihanna who to date?  I didn't realize she came to the AV Club for relationship advice, then again I guess it makes sense considering she's not a typical case, all the atypical cases end up here eventually.

Anyone else seeing uncomfortable parallels with their own childhoods?

I agree about making fun of brain damage..

I guess I stand alone.  I really thought Spy car was funny.  I'm not trying to be contrary, I'm right there with the reviewers on Fringe and Justified, not so much on Todd Margaret (I like it despite it's failings) but I apparently have a fine palate for the lamest that Archer can deliver.

This thread is old, but has anyone else been following  MARY SHELLEY'S Frankenhole?  Victor Frankenstein is immortal and creastes a series of time/space portals to allow people from all of History/Future/World to visit "somewhere in Eastern Europe" bask in the brilliance of Science!  There is also a local pub were

Anyone else feel like they're at odds with these last three grades?  I think Lo Scandalo and The Limited are B- material while the Spy Car episode deserved an A.  I respect the reviewers on this site, and I'm pretty sure I follow the thrust behind the grading in these reviews, but as a viewer I found enjoyed and

Either Dewey would die or be unable to get the money.  Even without Kidneys, the surgery would've left him barely able to walk.

I completely disagree with you on the satire point and the laughing, I think the idea is to accurately lampoon real-life or perceived stereotype for the primary purpose of creating laughter otherwise sketch comedy is the worst possible format for anything with more depth.  Agree to disagree or whatever because I like

So, you're not watching this sketch comedy show for laughs?  I've read some interviews this two as well and I'm pretty sure that laughing, preferably out loud, is what they are aiming for in general.

I still think these reviews are a bit harsh.  Not Cross' best, then again I'm not sure I agree his stand-up was really that "important."  funny, yes; topical and insightful, check.  But what exactly does important mean?

I love my dad, but sometimes I kind of wish Walter was my dad.  We could do experiments and investigate fringe events.  Plus I'm not an only child so I think Walter would appreciate me more.

I'm not sure a weekly review is gonna add much.  It's two 15 minutes shorts wherein Tim finds himself in awkward situations and they end badly.

I feel like highlighting this video is tantamount to trolling. No?  It's not really funny, and it's pretty oblique about the message which anyone familiar with Kirk Cameron knows is Christianity.

I find the tight deadline hard to believe because they wrote and filmed three seasons of TV based on the story and characters, and I'm pretty sure based on interviews and  quotes that he was involved in the production in some kind of advisory capacity at least in the beggining.

I'm confused.  Was this book just recently released, or is this a late review?

This and Lost remind me of a show I once saw as a kid.  I'm unsure if it was a miniseries or regular show, but it involved an island where experiments were being performed or something..  But of mystery, bit of horror, all set on a island.  I believe in the end it was on old dump site, or current laboratory, for