euripides trousers

"Great kid! Don't get fucky"

They're his "little fucks"

Katie's been on fire with the snark recently. Though she could have thrown one more bi-plane into this article for good measure

In other news, Donald Trump once again gets mistaken for an orangutan, still refuses to appear with Jack Hanna on Good Morning America.

Wow, had no idea about that live album. Better pick it up. Just read it's from their 2013 tour together, specifically from the Opera House show.

I thought it was the actor formally known as Porsche DeRossi

It's too short for its own good, but I'm gonna go with "Sunny Side Up" by Faith No More.

Glad you've been listening to Crowded House. Neil Finn may be my favourite songwriter of all time. Crowded House don't get enough love - at least outside of Oceania, that is.

Degrassi often dealt with difficult topics well, HIV being another. I think that openness had a lot to do with it being a Canadian show.

Doesn't it being an "online" show have more to do with that? I think Netflix sees itself more of an international purveyor of entertainment more than perhaps the networks. The American networks have to consider the local audience first and foremost. Abortion still remains a divisive issue in the States, not so much in

Don't worry, I thought the same thing. I don't remember the reveal of that being a lie - I'm gonna blame weed for that.

He was bi-polar and using the wrong "medication" to treat it. Yes, he did some pretty shitty things in his life regarding his family, but I still think he was deserving of empathy, and more so, his children.

Only Robin himself could really answer that question

Love me some Danson. Especially, Bored To Death and Fargo. Also, his dialogue with Larry David on Curb Your Enthusiasm is probably the best pairing on the show. Their back and forth is always gold.

Love that album, but strangely enough, No. 4 is my favourite of theirs - such an eclectic mix of songs.

Unfortunately, he's been yo-yoing on and off the wagon for most of his adult life, it would seem. And not just one drug - I know at least heroin and alcohol have been major problems, with alcohol being more his contemporary problem.

He could have also done with a bit of rastification.

I tried to incorporate a fan into wanking one day. The repercussions of which are just as obvious that supposed Khan twist.

In the next movie, we'll find out the whales were behind it all along.

That's the problem with Kirk's resurrection in Into Darkness - he'd been dead too long. It should have played more as the tribble blood reversing the effects of the radiation.