euripides trousers

Different type of artificial sweetener. They both have a terrible after-taste no matter which way you swing it.

Tbh, the director should always be blamed (in conjunction with the studios). It's his/her job to make it all come together in the end. If the writing sucks, the director should realise that and make changes.

It's not your fault. It's not your fault.

You hit the nail on the head. That's really the only scene in Prometheus that I can't forgive. Especially since the life-form is so obviously hostile. It would be like walking up to a crocodile expecting a friendly cuddle.

Jesus, that's how my Chinese students write.

I'll say it's worth it just for Sam Rockwell's craziness.

What year was that? I'm drawing a blank on ever seeing him as Scrooge.

I lust after both. Does that even things out, or just make me slightly weird and bizarre like Natalie Dormer apparently thinks I am?

I might be so bold to say that Iron Man is the best of the current MCU movies. Of course, it does have it easier being the first and for really kickstarting the current superhero explosion.

Change Captain America to Black Widow and I'm in. Any reason to give ScarJo more screen time.

I'm just gonna keep calling myself Gen Y to avoid the negative connotations of being a supposed Millennial. Surely, being born in '81 gives me some concessions.

What About Bob?

Anyone who thinks Marvel movies are getting too complicated are definitely not too bright.

Jeez, they really are churning out these fuckers quick these days.

Is that a little like hash?

Ahh, someone likes the coppertops don't they?

Well, if you weren't really keen on the first two episodes, you're probably asking the wrong crowd here. I couldn't recommend this season enough.

The actor from last year did some drastic slimming and plastic surgery to get into the role.

They also weren't plagiarising anyone

Fur Sure, Bob. Fur Sure.