
Yep, had to be done.

Assuming that Myles continues into Season 4 in a few weeks (and I hope he does), then some time in August we'll hit episode 410, "My Female Trouble," which was one of the show's only attempts to deal with this "problem" directly. I haven't watched that episode in a while, so I'm looking forward to seeing whether it

Yeah, we're two-thirds through Season 3 now, and I'm still not sure what it is about his behavior in S3 that makes it so difficult to deal with. Some of my favorite episodes in other seasons hinge on J.D. making poor life decisions or otherwise being mean:

I see no reason to bring the KKK into this.

Mmmkay, now I'm getting caught up.

Just getting caught up. Man, I forgot how much of the plot of "My Dirty Secret" revolves around J.D. completely misinterpreting a Billy Joel lyric.

Yeah, they love Coldplay for some reason. Didn't they use "Don't Panic" at one point, too? Oh, and my all time least favorite episode uses "Fix You." God, I wish that had never happened.

Apparently, I'm racist, because I just assume that if you see an Asian character whose name is pronounced "Wen," it must be spelled "Nguyen."

Why would she say that? Highly illogical.

The casual way the show handled Ted's sudden lapse into suicidal tendencies always disturbed me. It's one thing to have him throw in a dark line reading here and there about contemplating a gun in his desk drawer, but it struck me as a bridge too far to actually show (multiple times) him standing on the edge of the

I'm almost sure he was called "The Todd" as far back as the pilot episode.

I just checked out of curiosity, and they're also on Google Music All Access, so I gave 'em a listen. It's not really my cup of tea, but nice to know it's there.

There were. Like all the Shirt Club offerings, they only printed as many as were pre-ordered and will not do a second run, so if you missed it, then too bad. Or you could set up an RSS for the eBay search page for "HankCo."

That one's lost on me, sadly. I found the Wikipedia page on Zoids, but what was the reference?

It's still funny, but the ideal thing to do would have been to insert the name of a non-present female. "I'd like to play Madden on Nurse Tisdale's XBox!"

Oh my, you'll have to pardon the accidental firstie.

That's the way the universe works, sometimes. He was nominated four times for his performance in Spin City (and even won once!), but nothing for this transcendent guest spot. So sad.

Again, I've fallen behind on the rewatch and have nothing to add to Myles spot-on reviews. I loved Michael J. Fox here, though his first episode is better than his second. That freakout he has while washing his hands, when J.D. tries to confront him, was Emmy-worthy (but oddly, he was snubbed… not even a nomination).

I saw a panel discussion once in which Doc and Jackson said that they had whole writing sessions dedicated to thinking up parody superhero names/G.I. Joe character names.

Oh, yes, I nearly forgot.