
I had a potato salad movement last week. Needed a ton of air freshener afterwards.

“Painful writing” wasn’t a great punchline.

El Santo, I just don't see that. Which maybe might be why most people in this community seem to favor Calvin & Hobbes over Peanuts. When Calvin and Suzy fight, it's obvious to anyone over the age of 14 that they're doing the little-kid-flirting routine.

I didn't think we could get worse than last week's episode. Between the character that only MJF and Betsy Brandt could tell wasn't really blind, and the bizarre plot in which the brother and sister can't find anyone willing to rent them a room for the night (since when do hotel clerks give a crap whether or not people

Oh, curse the "All-playlist" shuffle. My wife and I have two stories about occasions with our exes during which the mood was ruined, and we sometimes argue about which was worse.

I agree that this Costello+Roots albums is inessential, but that doesn't mean is bad. I'd have gone with a straight-up B.

More like Trolling Pwned.

Imperial Bedroom is my favorite, but I agree that Spike in particular is criminally underrated.

I kind of get it. I mean, I'm a huge Elvis Costello fan too, and I agree that "I Want You" is a highly emotional song, but different people have emotional responses to different things, and a lot of people have a specific lack of emotional engagement with songs that are

The crack doesn't block the poop, though. The crack is the poop's only means of egress. (That's why it's a funny pun.)

And season 4 of A-Breast-ed Development.
Wait… That one didn't go where I expected it to.

Didn't they already expand into standup specials when they released John Hodgman's Ragnarok earlier this year?

Yes, but Dr. Wen (to the best of my knowledge) never strongly espoused a political position to which Erasure is antithetical.

Myles, it looks like Disqus truncated your link. Could you try again? I'd love to read that.

Hey, what replaced Avril Lavigne on the Netflix version? I ask because I always hated that episode for ending on that song. It clashes tonally with Dr. Miller's particular brand of feminism. Dr Miller believes quite strongly that women should not—in fact, that women do not—ever need the help of a man. The show gently

Hmm, let's see.

On His Quizboy's Secret Service

Worthy of note: Rose is the first actual character's mother we've met.
EDIT: It's been pointed out to me that I've forgotten Nikki and Dermot Fictel.

Early J.D. actually had an inferiority complex (which they appear to have either forgotten about or abandoned). Remember the cutaway in which he cast himself as Robin to Turk's Batman?

The only problem I can see with this plan is that a lot of the geography information from that show is now incorrect.