
My weekend was Wednesday/Thursday.

Was he?  That's a shame.

Wow, was I disappointed.  I'd read some very enthusiastic reviews and was expecting something much better.

@LurkyMcLurkerson I think a big part of it is wanting to be a formative influence while there's a still some window of opportunity.

I had a sense that the issue with the son has been "discussed" but never seriously on the table.

Hmmm… I copied my comment from the film review thread and it got deleted.  I guess we can't quote ourselves?

Not bad!

Yep, and here you go (a buried gay subplot and everything!):

I wish there were a spoiler space for it here.  I'm the only person I know locally who has seen it, and I'm chomping at the bit to discuss it.

How did Sex and the City get ranked so well?  I heard it was good, sampled two or three episodes and thought it was awfully bad.

If I remember correctly, they filmed several scenes based on how the movie should end and who would end up with who.

I saw Before Midnight.  The best one of the three, the first one that hurts, and the first one I would absolutely insist must have a sequel.

No spoiler space?

Happy to help!

I'm really glad to see that San Jose gets the movie next weekend.  I've got that Friday off, too.

It screens in Pittsburgh June 14.

I dunno.  The Master is one of the most masterfully-done bad movies I've ever seen.  Almost worth it to watch that genius performance by Phoenix, though.

This is my favorite Scorsese movie so far.  Goodfellas is perfect and this one is marred only by very, very poor old age makeup, but so be it.  It's maybe one of the few times a source novel that's a masterpiece inspires a film which is a masterpiece.

@avclub-ff0921ff57d809cb0649b1e1238dc448:disqus   I hadn't thought about this before, but you might have something there.  Popeye was perceived publicly as a failure, even though it did big business; and Duvall's performance in The Shining might have hurt her because she was too good at being unpleasant (see also:

I've seen about four of his movies (including The Sixth Sense, and Unbreakable is the only one I like, and I like it a lot.  Yes, the tone is quite a bit too brooding, and the movie suffers slightly for it, but it's not crippling since pretty much every other aspect of the film is terrific.