
I'm betting it was MONEYBALL. That movie was his, until the studio balked at his unorthodox screenplay and fired him.

There are many, many days when it's my favorite X album.  Kinda like how talking Heads' Little Creatures sits with me.

I was a prog snob until I heard Can.  I only really like three of their albums (Tago Mago, Ege Bamyasi, and Future Days), but those three are excellent.

It would be a shame to have never heard "Every Grain of Sand."

I live in America and still have no idea what it is.

Pasolini's Salo.

This is a terrific reccomendation. Great movie.

I think it was at a mall, but a smaller one than where my parents were shopping.

I was maybe fourteen years old and my parents were driving to Fort Wayne, Indiana, to do some shopping.  I asked to be dropped off at the theater, relishing the chance to see this opening weekend.

…except Erin Brockovich, where it had the exact opposite result.

Rotten Tomatoes used to consider his 2 1/2 star reviews "fresh," though Ebert had repeatedly said 3 stars and up is a recommendation.  When I realized the discrepancy, I contacted RT and Ebert.  Ebert wrote back thanking me and saying he would contact RT, and the site then corrected their error.

I imagine some quota was contractual, just like the star-rating system imposed on him.

"Blue…" is arguably the legitimate Velvet Underground reunion, too.

His super power is to be fragile.

The audio cassette version was really nice, because it was the interviews themselves, with sound quality all over the map.  Man, could Welles talk.

I also think producers should have backed him, but there's a subjective problem: The footage he showed at AFI from The Other Side of the Wind looks pretty bad and made for a poor showreel; the script for The Big Brass Ring wasn't terribly good and was pushing homosexuality to the fore in a time when most mainstream

Maybe it's the same movie, but all the cutaways are to a horse, and the word "pony" is badly dubbed over the still-somewhat-audible word "cat."

He directed A Talking Pony!?! as well, apparently.

I think C+ is just about right.  I liked the movie more than I would have expected, because my hopes were pretty low.

@avclub-5afe6cff3afc984272487744a13e77a7:disqus Oh, man!  This reminded me of when I was a fourth grader and was reading Neil Simon plays (how I got there, I don't know).  In one or two of the plays, people were eating hors d'oeuvres, and I had no idea what that was.  I casually referred to it as "whores dee ovaries"