
This has probably already been discussed, but…


When he says "second record," it sounds as if he's talking about Success, but wouldn't Comic Book Hero make Working Class Dog the second record?

@avclub-97b2d5e5f92c333976018236d76658d9:disqus  I know that wasn't directed at me, but thanks for the links.  I haven't kept up with U2 since Rattle, so it was news to me.

@avclub-97b2d5e5f92c333976018236d76658d9:disqus  The mixes on those albums was oddly muddy, as I recall.  At least, that's how the LPs sounded.  I've never heard the CDs.

Maybe I should check out the remaster…

I think it didn't help that Steve Lillywhite was making a point of screwing up the mix on people's second albums at that point (Big Country, Marshall Crenshaw, U2).  I think only U2 managed to rebound.

Tony Butler.

"Hitchcock would become the perennial Academy oversight: None of his films ever won Best Picture…."

@DYG:twitter  I think boycotts — even personal ones — have value.  Production is driven by money, and every dollar we spend is a vote, saying "I want more of this."  Is fast food a good thing?  Probably not.  If everyone stopped spending dollars at those places, what would happen? Possibly a very good thing.  Is

@avclub-ebb15a2c66cc64cbc83fcb33c8acd699:disqus  I haven't read the book, but I did see Full Metal Jacket, and I'd say the boot camp section was brilliant.  Apparently, Card didn't handle it so well, but maybe the filmmakers will.

He was amazing in Traffic.

I really should finish that Raging Bullwinkle short I started…

@avclub-72e068a12ae7544202a7fcc40b5448aa:disqus Who would've thought Richard Benjamin would wind up directing an insanely terrific movie?

USA Films agreed to fund it only if they could release a color version internationally (or they thought they had a better chance at distribution internationally if they had a color version — I forget exactly what the story was; I think a commentary on the DVD was also a requirement).  The screen caps I've seen

James Gandolfini just died, too.


I think The Insider is clearly Mann's best movie so far.  Heat has moments (or even passages) of worth, but too many narrative bumps (which others have mentioned).

Seeing Tootsie with my friend the weekend it opened is one of the great cinema experiences of my life.  The place was so crowded, my buddy and I had to grab remaining seats in different rows.  The movie absolutely killed, and I think it still holds up as one of the best modern screwball comedies — possibly because it

I thought I saw the guys throwing glances at each other, and interpreted that as men trying to make the conversation work, maybe because she's an attractive-looking woman.  The others were more likely taking their cue from the other woman's open hostility.