

O snail,
Climb Mount Fuji
But slowly, slowly.

@avclub-60b08acc1f3a4db4ff5f01c9fd828776:disqus  The Impossible was quite good, and much, much better than the trailers would have you believe.

"Hoult is little more than a sweet smile pasted over some determination."

@avclub-db0f0b629efbd732ef86a2c94825fb28:disqus  Thanks for the correction, O Co-Writer of DINOSAURS!  ;-)

I just realized I said Eartha Kitt when I'm pretty sure I meant Etta James.

My band played shows with Pounded Clown in Sacramento, and Ed was a great friend who lived in the house across the street from me and his band mate Heidi.  "1-900" was one of their songs I really liked, mainly because I thought Dave's affected singing style just worked for that song.  Dave owned a toy and comic book

"Parking is available near the IU Cinema at the Jordan Avenue Garage (open to all visitors). If you have an IU parking pass, you can park at surface lots near the IU Auditorium during the week after 5 p.m. Parking is free on weekends. Learn more about IU Cinema parking »"

I went through some of that at Indiana University to read the second draft of the screenplay. I think we were allowed 10 photocopied pages per year or something; I've since lost my copies.

@avclub-f8f8c273f326be25421cc62737d24a9e:disqus Did you know Soderbergh is shooting a bit more and preparing to release a new edit of Kafka on DVD?  I think the whole thing is getting re-dubbed into German, as well.

"Hapworth…." more than suggests he was headed there.

There was a Criterion release?

I want to read everything that was in J.D. Salinger's safe.

Searching for Bobby Fischer is out of print!?  That's crazy.

The complete Greed.

Dumped into the ocean?  I've never heard that.  Why go to the trouble?

@avclub-c3420bfbd159b546b7ac7f38c6f7fa55:disqus I remember reading an interview back in the day where one of the musicians recounted Midnight Oil having a discussion about whether or not Garrett should sing with his Australian accent or adopt a more American one.  It was not just an economic decision pushed by the

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In the poster or the trailer?  If it's the poster, what clued you in?  It seemed pretty generic at best and outright poor at least. The trailer wasn't much better. If the movie didn't have Soderbergh's name on it, I wouldn't have ever made an effort to see it.

There are good replies here, but I'd also like to add that she needs to keep the act up in case she can't pull off the murder.