
I punish thee!

Thingy, don't worry, people are just jealous of your flowing golden locks and regal jaw line.

I liked Tim Curry in Hunt for Red October— he wanted his dinner so bad… his heart broke.

I thought it was Tom Green.

Ugh, I couldn't stand her as a character. I was really hoping that the pediatrician from last episode (?) was going to join the team because, while kind of uninteresting, she also wasn't an obvious type ("socially awkward savant know it all"). But they couldn't bring her in because they'd actually have to work to make

If you already know the words, you know what's being bleeped so you aren't learning the word, but you are sort of learning that it's not an acceptable word. If you don't know the word, you're just confused. Either way, censoring words only gets you in a tizzy if you already know what's being said.

"Douche" is French for "shower." Saying it shows how worldly you are.

V Chip
Fuck shit cock bitch butthole titty boner Barbara Streisand!

He taught us something
How to hustle people out of money with a video cassette.

Something I Don't Understand
So Uwe Boll has made how many movies? It seems like he churns out one or two every year. I could go to IMDB and check but I'm afraid that I'd get flagged for searching for Uwe Boll… okay, I risked it— 25 movies. He's directed 25 movies, you'd think he'd accidentally get better at it. I

Yes, the alien firing his gun in the air and being able to hit anyone on the planet, thereby keeping them all hostage, was a concept that was strange and funny enough to make the episode worthwhile. Bridging it to a stereotypical 30s gangster was also awesome. Tie in the seriousness of the pinewood derby (the suicide

And it seems that when people do use foresight in cases like the BP earth-fucking disaster, they also rely on the probability that anything will happen to that specific (in this case) drilling rig. The probability of a blowout was low, the probability of the preventer failing was actually pretty good (a coin flip,

This is going to be a movie about a leader who feels that needs to go to war, faces impossible odds, has a restless night while he contemplates his responsibility for those under him, gives a rousing speech, and wins a crucial battle that ends up uniting waring factions… in space? What I mean is it's probably

This episode was full of reveals of Kenny's inner life. I think it deserves a A for that alone (among other things that would have resulted in an A on their own). For all of the bitching that goes on (in general, not from anyone in particular) about the lack of character development in shows, I thought that this

*not a stray observation*

I liked that a lot, IK. Even though his parents have been a source of laughter, it's also a very nice and probably important move to have Kenny be very aware of it and working to correct their drunken violence, fighting, child neglect, etc. It adds another little layer to his character that is kind of touching.

I know of the commercial and have seen little bits of it because the internet wouldn't shut the fuck up about it for a while. At first I thought they were doing a false poignant moment like after Timmy turned Gobbles away and then we see all of these sad moments in SP citizens' lives, then, yes, I realized it was the

Retroactive Spider
How is that a stray observation? That was fucking hilarious and the first big laugh of many.

Huh, I didn't know he was crazy— I always liked him on L&O, but honestly didn't know his name until right now. It sounds like he might be a little less crazy now— he had been a drunk until 2004. Interesting!

Did anyone in this thread try the PS3 version or any of the others? I can't imagine that the core of the game (non spinning jumps? The fuck?) are vastly different… maybe I'll download the demo on my PS3 and see.