
Or Mtv U.

I never quite understood why she needed to do that on the USS Missouri. Why not just do it at Appomattox Court House?

God hates the woooooorld
And all her childriiiiin

It's happened to me and I like them both.

Ukrania, all hail, Ukrania! My bitter homeland!
Your strip mines, your big reactors!

Does it have a cult yet?

Unless it's a version of hell that you can eventually get let out of for some kind of goodness or for just suffering long enough. I don't know.

It's strange that everyone is baffled about why it failed. It's really, really unappealing looking and not in a really deformed, strange way that some kids like. They talk about it being the wrong time in the market, too many animations, too many family shows, etc. But they're all doing okay and this is the single

Before I knew who he was, I saw Cage in some movie on TV and he was a gangster or something. He was terrible, just god awful. Then I started seeing him more places, people taking him seriously as an actor, and I didn't understand it at all. "He fucking blows!"

Ohhh so Powder was about how no one understand him and explains the bizarre deleted scene in which Powder molests some kids. Of course, with that cut, the movie seems a lot more tragic.

But who gives a shit if you get a single player game the day it comes out or months later? What are you missing by playing it later or holding off on a purchase? I've seen kids today get into NES games that basically had no place in their lives growing up, but still those games are fun for them. This idea that you

I think that it'd be more appropriate to depict Netflix as the Resistance pushing against the big nazi cable companies, gol darnit! They're doing all of this shit with capping DSL (AT&T is planning to place caps on DSL!) is specifically targeting Netflix and their customers. God damn it, they suck.

It's almost as if
They're daring AT&T, Comcast, and others to choke their bandwidth. They went from sort of challenging the cable providers' distribution model and stepping up to being a direct competitor. At the very least, the cable assholes will see this as Netflix becoming a pseudo-channel trying to ride their

Thiaslap (I had that one earlier today), the battery on the zune is a breeze to change. I put a higher capacity one in my 30 (though it's a bit smaller than the original one, it's the battery from the 120). Usually kits will come with the tools and cost under 20 bucks. Might as well scoop one up for when that sad day

It could be one of those small centrifugal driers that they have in gyms for drying your swimming gear, too, but probably not.

Yeah, sometimes I just like to listen to music in my office or somewhere else that my stereo isn't, and after being sad and disgusted with the sound quality of MP3s that I'd sometimes play through my stereo I started doing some lossless rips. Putting those together with the Zune, CMOY, and the Grados makes for a

I hated Marlo (just watched the whole run over the last couple months), and as badly as I wanted him to die and as disappointed that I was when he didn't, that says a lot to me about a character and the actor playing him if I hate him that much. He wasn't an annoying time sink like some shitty characters, I really had

Someone wrote the first one?
I thought they just taped a bunch of Cialis and Lipitor commercials together.

As pukey as your comment was, H-b, I think there's some truth in what you say. You could probably pick the appropriate moments of anyone's life and construct a pretty compelling narrative. Our lives just happen to average out to boring for the most part. I'd bet that even those historical Great Men had, on the whole,

I have been loving Flight too much. My best time is 11 days so far.